By: Cherrystone Auctions
1871-2002 comprehensive specialized collection of stamps and postal history of Guatemala comprising five leather volumes containing over 500 pages. The collection contains all major Scott listed stamps (except for Scott 54 and 71), 98% mint, including 57 Scott listed errors and dozens of varieties not listed in Scott. Highlights include one of only two known blocks of four of Scott 181 (n.h.) and a used copy of C180 with center doubled. There is a large showing of the perforation and color varieties of the Waterlow issues of 1902 as well as one of the most complete collections of the scarce perforation varieties of the Tipografia Nacional issues (1945-1977).The Tipografia Nacional collection includes the only known cover of Scott 317 perforated 12 1/2 and one of only three known covers of Scott C125 perforated 12 1/2.The collection contains large blocks of many of the provisional issues of 1922-1935, Proofs and Essays, 225 covers and 66 stationery cards and entires, including the rare overprinted envelopes of 1921.In addition, there is a very thorough showing of the perforated and handstamped official stamps of 1902-1926. The first issue includes imperforate gutter panes of 1c ocher, some forgeries of first and second issue, multiples and much more. A splendid collection of Guatemala, generally fine-v.f.
Estimate: $5000
Sale Terms
Cherrystone Auctions, Inc.
Cherrystone Auctions, Inc. holds a major international auction sale every two months, in the heart of New York City, featuring over 2,500 lots including: Important Rarities, Postal History and... Read More