Aste Terminate

lot # 1360 - LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS GREECE Greek Territories

Tuesday Nov 15, 2022 10:00 to Wednesday Nov 16, 2022 16:00 America/New_York

1898-1945 collection of hundreds in three volumes, mostly unused singles and sets, Crete, including Austrian, Italian, Russian and French Issues, Epirus, including local Chimarra Issues, Argyrokastro Issues, Koritsa, Occupation Issues, Ionian Islands, including Italian Occupation, many better items, also various locals, National Resistance Issues, Russian Levant with various overprints for Greek Islands, Turkey, with overprints of Sultan's Visit in Salonika, Monastir, Pristine, Uskub, also Thrace, some duplication, fine-v.f., interesting lot
Estimate: $2000

Sale Terms

About The Seller

Cherrystone Auctions, Inc.

Cherrystone Auctions, Inc. holds a major international auction sale every two months, in the heart of New York City, featuring over 2,500 lots including: Important Rarities, Postal History and... Read More

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