By: Cherrystone Auctions
lot # 215 - Albania
1913 official handstamp on white laid paper, with sewing machine perforations, tied on cover by Elbasan 6.5 pmk, addressed to Qukes, filing folds away from the stamp, fine, with Qukes arrival, rare on cover, signed Diena, with 2008 Otto Graf certificate ("stamp on cover as well as datestamps of Elbasan and Qukes are genuine, but the cover never went through the mail") (catalogued as used off cover) (Mi.2B)
Cat. Val. $725.00
Estimate: $250
Sale Terms
Cherrystone Auctions, Inc.
Cherrystone Auctions, Inc. holds a major international auction sale every two months, in the heart of New York City, featuring over 2,500 lots including: Important Rarities, Postal History and... Read More