
classicphil GmbH - Matthias Fukac

lot # 10018 - germany Old German States Heligoland

Monday Oct 14, 2019 09:00 to Wednesday Oct 16, 2019 13:00 Europe/Vienna

Old German States Heligoland, 1867-1890, small but very fine collection from Helgoland, starting 1867-90 on 5 album pages, fresh, used and unused (LPOG-MH), many signed top values present (most signed Lemberger), top values include Mi 1 I, 2x 2, 4, 6e/g, 7d, 8 F, 11, 13b (block of (4)), 14a-e, 18a-c, 2x 19Aa, 20A, many luxury cancels and beautiful items, used, MH, F-XF!. Estimate 10.000€.
Estimate €10000



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