Aste Terminate


lot # 728 - Japan

Wednesday Mar 24, 2021 12:00 Europe/London

1898 3s stationery card uprated with 1s Koban green (Yv.61) tied by Tokio/I.J.P.O d/stamp addressed to Germany with Hohenkam arrival, 1900 1½s stationery card uprated with ½r grey chrysanthemum & 2s rose Koban tied by vernacular d/stamp, routed via Yokohama addressed to Grimsby (nice mixed franking), 1914 envelope to France, franked 1s orange SG.157, 2s green SG.159, 3s carmine SG.160 & 4s scarlet SG.161 tied by Yokohama/Japan d/stamp in violet, routed via Siberia with Savoie arrival on reverse, very attractive four colour franking. (3)

Estimate: £90 - 120


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