BRITISH COMMONWEALTH M & U ranges on leaves from Brunei 1907-68 incl. 1c, 4c U, 1908-22 vals to 50c & $1 U, 1924-37 to $1 M, 1947 to 50c M, 1952 to $1 M or FU & $5 FU etc. (77) Cat. £480, New Zealand 1936-68 M range incl. 1941 9d W43 UM SG.630, 1940 Centenary set M (toned gum), 1946 3d M block incl. 'completed rudder', KGVI defins vals to 3s M, 1958 2d on 1½d brown lake surcharge set UM SG.763/a/b (183) Cat. £600. Samoa 1887-1968 incl. Palm Tree vals to 2/6d M, 1899 Provisional Govt opts to 2/6d M, opts on KGV New Zealand defins to 1s FU, 1921-43 Hut issues to 1s FU, 1925-28 Postal Fiscal M, 1955 Postal Fiscal 5s, 10s & £1 later to 1960's (163) Cat. £550. Total Cat. £1600+.
Estimate: £150 - 200
Sale Terms
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