Aste Terminate


lot # 792 - New Zealand

Wednesday Aug 04, 2021 12:00 Europe/London

Collection on leaves, a few imperf Chalons 1d (3), 2d, 6d (3) & 1s, perf vals to 1s, also piece with 2d, 6d U, 1868 Sidefaces, Pictorials incl. M to 1s, KEVII Heads 3d, 8d, 1s M, KGV to 1s, KGVI to 3s, commems, Healths, Insurance, Officials, 1906 Christchurch 1½d, 1d, 3d M, 1925 Exhib M. Useful lot. (373)

Estimate: £70 - 90


Sale Terms