Aste Terminate

Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 5004 - europe Great Britain

Tuesday Nov 29, 2022 09:00 Europe/Zurich

1803 (Oct. 8): Entire letter from 'La Carogne', Spain to London, showing circular 'VAPOR / CORUNA' and italic boxed 'Via France & Germy.' handstamps in red with additional 'FOREIGN OFFICE 1803 / DE 3' on reverse. Letter with 'frco. London Dec. ... 1803' in manuscript and forwarded to Providence, Rhode Island. Lettersheet with broken folds, partly backed and reinforced with hinges, unusual forwarded transatlantic letter from Spain to USA via Great Britain. Very rare. So far the only known handstamp - not listed in Van der Linden. Ex collection Hermann Hader.

Michel Catalogue 294: Great Britain


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