Aste Terminate

Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 5213 - brit. colonies lagos

Friday Jun 02, 2023 09:00 Europe/Zurich

Revenues 1888 (Nov): De La Rue Die Proofs (10) for proposed Stamp Duty Revenues, all embossed in orange vermilion with 1 d. and 6 d. values colourless, with additional "Commissioner of Stamp Duties" example and ten designs with differing outer frames for proposed values for 1 d., 6 d., 1 s., 2 s. 6 d., 5 s., 10 s., £1, £5, £10 and £20. Some minor age spots but a remarkable and unique assembly ex the DLR archives.

Catalogue 301: The BESANÇON Collection (part II) – British West Africa


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