Aste Terminate

lot # 3378 - Overseas imperial china

Friday Dec 01, 2023 09:00 Europe/Zurich

1903: Registered cover bearing 8 stamps of the 1900-06 issue paying the postage and the registration of 20 Cents from PAOTING (oval cancel "MAY 5 1903") and rectangular registration cancel, via Peking (MAY 6), to SHANGHAI MAY 13, violet rectangular registration cancel from SHANGHAI. The letter passed to the Russian post office, where a vertical pair of the 10 Kop Russian-China issue 1899, blue on horizontally laid paper was added  and canceled with double circle cancel "ШАНГХАЙ 14 V 1903" and  re-registered with Russian registration label "Шанхай..". Via. Moscow (26 May) to Kassel, Germany, where it arrived 9 June 1903. A small trivial tear on top of the envelope noted for accuracy, otherweise fresh cover all stamps of good colours, signed Holcombe and certificate Holcome (1995).


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