Aste Terminate

lot # 1600 - Sammlungen/Posten Brit. Commenw. allgem.

Monday Nov 25, 2024 09:00 Europe/Zurich

British Commonwealth collection with Antigua 1862 6 d. green, no wmk. used with "A12" (Gi 1 = £ 550), 1867 1 d. vermilion unused, large part og. (Gi 7 = £ 250), 2½ d. red-brown and 4 d. blue, Crown CC, unused (Gi 19/20 = £ 850), 1887 2½ d. ultramarine unused (2), one with "Slanting 2" flaw, the other with "Top Left Triangle Detached" unused og., Leeward Islands 1890 5 s. green & blue used on piece tied "A12" obliterator (Gi 8 = £ 325), 1921/32 10 s. green & red on green and £ 1 purple & black on red on two pieces each tied "Antigua" cds (Gi 79/80 = £ 585), 1928 £ 1 purple & black on red fine marginal example, large part og. (Gi 80 = £ 225), George VI 10 s. unused (3) and used, £ 1 unused (3) and used; Cook Islands 1967 high values: $ 2 on £ 1 pink, $ 6 on £ 3 green and $ 10 on £ 5 blue (Gi 219/221 = £ 300+), Hong Kong 1862 96 c. brownish grey, no wmk. used with "B62" in blue (Gi 7 = £ 450), Cape of Good Hope Mafeking 1900 Baden Powell 3 d. blue cds (May 3) used, Southern Rhodesia 1924 first issue set of 14 unused and used, 1951 Postage Due 5 d. dull grey-green superb og. (Gi D6 = £ 300), Gambia 1869 4 d. brown imperforate, no wmk. unused (Gi 1 = £ 600), 1874 5 d. pale brown, imperforate, unused (Gi 5 = £ 400), 1922 5 s. green on yellow fine used (Gi 121 = £ 275), 1928 3 s. slate-purple, fine og. and a fine used example (Gi 139 = £ 800), Orange River Colony 1903/04 unused set of nine to 5 s. complete (Gi 139/147 = £ 275), Ionian islands 1859 set of three unused, British Guiana 1905/07 set to 96 c. unused, Cayman Islands 1900 ½ d. and §1 d. optd. "Specimen" (Gi 1s/2s = £ 180), 1907 4 d. - 5 s. set of four optd "Specimen" and a used set (Gi = £ 725), 1907 ½ d. on 5 s. used, 1932 10 s. unused (Gi 95 = £ 350), Bechuanaland 1932 'Specimen' set of twelve (Gi 99s/110s = £ 450) many further items and some Airmail covers, condition fair to very fine, a good lot.

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