Aste Terminate

Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 2223 - triest zone a

Thursday Nov 28, 2024 09:00 Europe/Zurich

Trieste Zona A 1947/54: Lot hundreds Italian definitive and commemorative stamps unused / unmounted og. on stockcards, all overprinted 'AMG-FTT', often in multitude, partially in multiples incl. Democratica up to 100 l. carmine, 1949 Repubblica Romana, 1951 Feste Ginnastici, also Airmail stamps with 1947 Democratica, 1948 Campidoglio, Espresso, Recapitato autorizzato with 1954 ovpt in block of four, Pacchi postali with 1947/48 set up to 1'000 l. and 1954 1'000 l. ultramarine in a block of four, also Segnatasse with 1954 25 l. brown-red. Some Zona B, an impressive group to be studied. One cerificate Sassone = € 37'000 following the consignor.


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