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Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 6647 - ionische inseln vorphilatelie

Thursday Nov 28, 2024 09:00 Europe/Zurich

British Protectorate 1815-1864 1861 (April 15): Incoming entire letter from Cairo to Corfu, Ionian Islands prepaid '1' piastre in manuscript, struck with Type IV "POSTA EUROPEA / ALEXANDRIA"cds (April 18) in blue and transferred to Austrian Post Office with "ALEXANDRIEN" cds (same day) and "FRANCO" handstamp below with "15" (kreuzer) rate paid denoted by crayon cross on obverse. Small "CORFU" arrival cds (April 22) in red at left. Edge wear to the entire but extremely rare: in this describer's opinion the sole known Posta Europea cover to the Ionian Islands. Signed Todd AIEP.
Provenance: Collection Kurt Wolfsbauer.


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