By: Corinphila Veilingen
lot # 818 - Main catalogue literature
specialised works mainly relating to the Ottoman Empire and Turkey including Postal cancellations of the Ottoman Empire by J.H. Coles and H. E. Walker (4 volumes, Robson Lowe 1984-1995 including addendum), Revenue Stamps of Ottoman Empire and Early Period of Turkish Republic by Emir Eray Suleymaniye (Ankara 2010), British Empire Campaigns and Occupations in the Near East, 1914-1924 by J. Firebrace (Robson Lowe 1991), Tughra Stamps (First stamps of the Ottoman Empire issued 1863) by M. Basaran (2007), The Ottoman Field Post Offices by A. Koleksiyonu (2000), Foreign Post Offices and their cancellations in the Helladic Territories, volume A by A. Nicolas and A. Galinos (1996), several other catalogues etc. in large box
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Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen is one of The Netherlands' leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.
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