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Doron Waide

lot # 295A - Judaica, Holocaust, Anti Semitic, Autographs & related material

Sunday Feb 26, 2023 14:00 America/New_York

Judaica Holocaust - 1943 Field post letter from a German soldier fighting in Russia. DEFENDING JEWS IS TREASON . The letter written by German soldier who stationed at the 388th (field training) division of Army north group around Ostrowo Russia. The soldier name listed on the German Volksbund with information as follows: Friedrich Buchele Obergefreiter, born in Bonnigheim on October 15 1908 & died in Russian captivity in Krasnodar on Novermber 20 1944. The cover with field post office postmark August 31 1943. The cover addressed to : Mrs. Hedwig Buchele (the soldier wife) in Stuttgart - Feuerbach, Muhl street 3. Translation of letter: Dear Wife and Walter !  Yesterday i received your letter of August 17 and now i have short time to answer you, because I have to go on patrol in 30 minuts. Your lines have made me very angry ! What youwrote about this Landsberger is unbelievable ! for his statements, this rascal should be put on trial !!! Have other people heard that ? That is people treason and for it even the death penalty stands !  Who is defending the Jews in present time and present situation, is quite clearly against the Fuhrer, the fatherland and every single soldier who just stands at the front or has lost his life ! Such a person must not get off scot free. Please write everything down to me in detail. I want every single sentence that Landsberger said ! I will keep silence about your letter. I dont believe that Landsberger simply should get away.  Dear..I am well, Healthy & I hope the same for you & Walter. My thoughts are with you every day ! Fingers crossed that the Lord God will let me come back to you soon ! Greeting and Kisses to you & Walter.   The original cover is torn on top & without back flap. The letter is in very good condition. Judaica Holocaust related rarity. (look at 2 scans).


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