
Essex Stamp Auctions

lot # 988 - malaysia

Sunday Sep 24, 2017 00:00 Europe/London

"North Borneo" Ex-dealer QV-GV mint counter stock set on stockbook pages, in annotated catalogue order, good range with most positions represented (ex the obvious very high cat items), generally with duplication. Some faults, mostly good or fine. Incl SH 7 (2), 1886 ]c to 10c, 1894 to 24c, various high vals and o/pts to 50c, later vals to $1, Red X and other o/pts to 50c, fine range of Postage Dues. Nice lot, generally clean. Cat £7650

Estimate: £850 - 1000


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Essex Stamp Auctions

Essex Stamp Auctions is one of the most experienced philatelic auction houses in the region. Our philosophy is to offer a great service and give great results for a low fee. We hold regular bi-... Read More

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