Aste Terminate

lot # 404 - Argentina postal history

Thursday Nov 21, 2024 19:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires

POSTAGE ERRORS: 2 Covers sent to Belgium and England on 29/FE/1928 on FIRST FLIGHT by Aeroposta, the cover to Belgium is franked with 12c. for regular rate and 3.35P. for the airmail fee (it was probably a 18 gram cover, so it was overcharged by 11c.). The cover to England had an inscription in pencil "72" possibly indicating the airmail fee for a 4-gram letter, the 12c. for the regular rate is then missing. Very fine quality, interesting group!



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About The Seller

Guillermo Jalil - Philatino

We are a team of 7 people under the leadership of Guillermo Jalil, professional... Read More

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