
lot # 40175LA - Military Mail - British Empire WWI

Wednesday May 17, 2017 22:00 Asia/Jerusalem
Last date for bids: 
May 17, 22:00 IDT

British WWI military mail in Egypt: 6 JU 1917 stampless OHMS stationary cv ex Garrison Officers Mess at FPO F2 (ABBASSIA) to CAIRO tied by Proud-D2 pmk & 2 strikes of FB-unlisted red GOM | ABBASSIA unframed cachet; b/s next day APO SZ10 (CAIRO) transit & same day CAIRO-F arr.; slit open at right.
Feldpost - Britisches Weltreich Erster Weltkrieg
דואר צבאי - אימפריה בריטית במלחמת העולם ה-1