
Ian Boulton Stamp Dealer Ace Stamp Auctions

lot # 939 - australia collection

Saturday Jun 28, 2014 09:00 Australia/Melbourne

1913-1965 MUH, MLH & used collection on Hagners noting 1st wmk kangaroos to 1/- with MUH to 3d, then used incl 5d, 2nd wmk to 1/- (excl 6d) used, 3rd wmk to 2/- used plus 3d MLH, Sm. Mult 6d MLH, 9d MUH & 6d to 2/- used, CofA 6d MUH & used to 2/- plus latter MUH. KGV MUH, MLH & used range with most both MLH & used incl 1d green Die II MLH, a few 4d, 4½d & 5d vals MLH but all 1/4d used. Also a few "OS" ovpts incl 1/- Lyre MLH & used & 1927/31 perf "OS" commems incl some both MLH & used. 1914 6d Kookaburra MLH & F/U, 1932 5/- SHB CTO, 1934 Macarthur set of 4 MUH & used, 1935 ANZAC MLH & used (odd pulled perf), 1937/48 Robes on thick paper MLH & used plus thin paper set MUH. Also 1946 BCOF ovpts MLH (5/- thick), 1949/50 Arms set used plus SPECIMEN £1 & £2 both MUH, 1963/64 Navigators MLH &/or used. An good lot with some faulty but many choice examples. (100s)

About The Seller

Ace Stamp Auctions

I began this public auction format in 2008 following an apparent demand for a regular Western Australian based auction that is held on a frequent basis with pre-determined dates and... Read More

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