Aste Terminate

Mowbray Collectables

lot # 95 - collections and accumulations

Saturday Sep 12, 2020 10:00 Pacific/Auckland

GB 1902-11 EVII very specialised colln sparsely arranged 2 x 32 pages s/bs. Arranged by SG Spec No's. Noted: ½d booklet pane of 5 plus "St Andrews Cross"; 1d specimen ovpt; 1/- invt wmk. Incl ½d (15 + pane), 1d (19), 1½d (7 + 2u), 2d (7 + 30), 2½d (8), 3d (9 + 5u), 4d green & brown (4 + 2u), 4d orange (8), 5d (5 + 3u), 6d (12 + 2u), 7d (3), 9d (11 + 6u), 10d (9 + 9u), 1/- (6 + 2u), 2/6d (2u) & 10/- (1u). Wide range of shades. Cat £6600+ without allowing for shades. Mostly mint.


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