
Schuyler J. Rumsey Auctions, Inc.

lot # 613 - the richard graham collection of naval covers 1782 to 1860 naval covers

Monday Dec 08, 2014 10:00 to Thursday Dec 11, 2014 18:00 America/Los_Angeles
Last date for bids: 
Dec 08, 09:00 GMT

(Naval) 1846 (Sep. 27) U.S.S. Columbus at Honolulu, Hawaii to New York N.Y., Forwarded to Detroit. Endorsement at upper right of folded cover from George M. Dibble to his brother with partial red Boston Ms. cds and matching "Ship" handstamp with manuscript 10" rating, forwarded to Detroit with red "New-York Feb 3" cds and matching "Forwarded" straightline with rating updated to "17" cents; folded separations and soiling; accompanied by second 1842 letter sent from Detroit to George M. Dibble aboard USS Pennsylvania from his brother, Fine.
Estimate; $500 - 750.

The U.S.S. Columbus left Tokyo Bay on July 29th 1846 for Hawaii, proceeding thence to Valparaiso, Chile arriving there December 3rd 1846.

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