Aste Terminate

Status International

lot # 237 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia

Thursday Oct 29, 2020 12:00 Australia/Sydney

KGV 1½d red variety collection mostly in MNH blks of 4 with no wmk (3) inc 'broken upper frame at left' (Pos 18 L25) & 'worn crown top' in separate multiples. SM wmk perf 14 (3) inc 'void cnrs' (2) inc part imprint pr & 'broken crown top' part imprint blk plus 'sloping crown top' in Mullett imprint pr. SM wmk perf 13½x12½ (3) mostly frame flaws inc 'shaved left frame'. Plus 'white dash left of LVT at LL cnr' (Pos 1 L42). Nearly all fresh MNH, inc shades. Estimated total ACSC cat $2100. (40). (P)

Estimate: A$400 - 500

Sale Terms