Aste Terminate

Status International

lot # 316 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS australian colonies

Thursday Oct 29, 2020 12:00 Australia/Sydney

Tasmania 1870-1906 QV Sideface & Tablet collection with Sidefaces inc wmk 10 1d rose-red (2) F-VF M, SG 127 cat £260 & 1d deep rose F M (£120), 10d black (4) inc UN & CTO (cat £200). 1871-90 wmk TAS Sidefaces array inc 1d vermilion pr, right stamp with prominent 'wedge flaw'. 1878 8d brown single imperf (2 margins, unlisted SG), 1880 1d pink prs (2) MNH & (SG 164 cat £160) & FM (£80). 1892 Tablets comp to £1, CTO/F U (£650) plus opt SPECIMEN (6) to £1 F M. early 1900s QV Sidefaces wmk Crown/A to 9d F-VF M or CTO plus others inc possible pmk interest. Generally G-F U with some MNH/M as noted. Total SG cat £2000+ = A$3600. (P)

Estimate: A$450 - 600

Sale Terms

About The Seller

Status International

Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More

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