Prince Albert definitives not complete but still a very high cat lot. 1c olive green m.m. gum faults & h/r. bronze green fine l.m.m. 2c maroon m.m. 5c blue heavy m.m. with h/r. 10c brown on yellow fine looking m.m. with h/r. 15c rose fine looking m.m. with h/r joined pair small thin on right unit (cat £250 each). 25c deep grey green m.m. creased faults spacefiller. 40c black heavy m.m. perf missing. 50c two different shades fine m.m. & m.m. h/r. 75c very fine l.m.m. 1f fine m.m. with h/r. 5f rose fine m.m. Then colour change issues 5c l.m.m. 10c gutter margin pair with plate number fine m.m. 15c purple-brown creased m.m. 15c green m.m. Two shades of 25c heavy m.m. 5f grey-green top margin vertical pair u.m. light bend on lower unit. (23) Cat £1350 (image available) {MH} [US7] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £124.80)
SG 11-29
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Universal Philatelic Auctions
2008 saw us celebrating our first 50 years of supplying stamps to discerning collectors. Omniphil and Avon Approvals were both launched in 1958. In those days it was not uncommon for 3000 young... Read More
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