Prezzi Realizzati


lot # 17562 - Monaco 1885-1921

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023 17:00 Europe/London

Prince Albert definitives not complete but still a very high cat lot. 1c olive green m.m. gum faults & h/r. bronze green fine l.m.m. 2c maroon m.m. 5c blue heavy m.m. with h/r. 10c brown on yellow fine looking m.m. with h/r. 15c rose fine looking m.m. with h/r joined pair small thin on right unit (cat £250 each). 25c deep grey green m.m. creased faults spacefiller. 40c black heavy m.m. perf missing. 50c two different shades fine m.m. & m.m. h/r. 75c very fine l.m.m. 1f fine m.m. with h/r. 5f rose fine m.m. Then colour change issues 5c l.m.m. 10c gutter margin pair with plate number fine m.m. 15c purple-brown creased m.m. 15c green m.m. Two shades of 25c heavy m.m. 5f grey-green top margin vertical pair u.m. light bend on lower unit. (23) Cat £1350 (image available) {MH} [US8] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £102.40)

SG 11-29


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