Aste Terminate


lot # 10 - General - British Commonwealth 1850-2000

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024 17:00 Europe/London

AUSTRALASIA mint & used collection in an album with Aust States - NSW to 5s used, Q/land to 2s6d Railway, S/A & Tas to 1s, Vic to 5s & 10s, State ranges dotted with mint, extensive Australia with Roo to 2s, pages of KGV Heads with Pmk interest & values to 1s4d plus some commem sets, KGVI Robes £1, 1948 Arms set to £2, QEII to diff $10 used, P/Due to 5s, plus small AAT, Christmas Is, Cocos Is & Norfolk Is. c/v est £1200. (2175+ stamps) HEAVY/OVERSIZE LOT - OVERSEAS SHIPPING SURCHARGE APPLIES. {CC} (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £320.00)

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