Aste Attive


lot # 1869 - Australia - States - Western Australia 1879

Price: £ 9,950.00
Tuesday Apr 01, 2025 17:00 Europe/London

WESTERN AUSTRALIA 1864-1879 2d. ERROR OF COLOUR in MAUVE watermark crown CC (reversed), perf 12.5, lovely bright shade example significantly well-cancelled by flattering '6' numeral of Albany in blue. Research reveals this to be one of the finest examples of this early British Empire 'bird' classic error of colour, near perfectly centred too. History: apparently resulting from the use of the wrong (2d.) plate during printing of a supply of the Swan 6d. Value. The mistake was not noticed by De La Rue, and an estimated 8-10 sheets were issued in January 1879, with usage recorded at Perth and a few other offices including our Albany cancelled example. So far as is known this was the only occasion upon which DLR made such an error of printing Colonial stamps of any country, if Tobago SG 24c is excluded. 1994 highly respected PETER HOLCOMBE EXPERT colour photo-certificate accompanies, plus provenance expert signed reverse. Peter states 'A fine copy of a rare stamp'. We agree. CLASSIC SWAN Colour ERROR doubtless missing from most BIRD's collections! One of the finest examples extant. Holcombe Certificate. Exhibition Standard. Previous sale of a different example some years ago, it is believed a similar but inferior quality example realised near full current SG catalogue value. LUXUS According to the record of The Royal Philatelic Collection Curated by Sir John Wilson Bart (Dropmore Published 1952) King Charles possesses one example of the Swan 1879 2d. ERROR OF COLOUR in MAUVE, however an image of the quality of the Royal Collection stamp is not published. For reference, we have included an example of the original perf 12½ 2d yellow – so you can compare what should have happened. Cat £15000 (image available) {U} (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £7,960.00)

SG 55b

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