Auction #19
By: Phoenix Auctions Pty Ltd
Phoenix Auctions Pty Ltd Auction #19

Welcome to Phoenix Auctions No.19
Welcome to our 2nd auction for 2013. It has been a bit of a rush getting this auction out but, as you can see, we have managed it. For those who get our Boxlot Auctions you will have already received notice that the next one is occuring on Wednesday 27th March.
Australia 2013 will quickly be upon us. It starts on 10th May 2013 and finishes on 15th May. Phoenix and Premier Postal Auctions have 2 adjoining stands, 194 & 195, opposite the cafe, and we will be delighted to see you when you visit the exhibition.
The big event, for most of us, will be the holding of the Stuart Hardy Kangaroo Sale on Thursday 9th May, the day before the exhibition starts. The auction will be on the website and catalogues will be despatched in mid-April, giving you plenty of time to peruse this spectacular catalogue. We have already taken this auction to viewing at Stampex in London and we will have viewing on the 15th & 16th April at Philas House in Sydney as well as viewing at Saphil House in Adelaide on the 23rd April. Viewing will be held in our Melbourne Offices from 4th to 8th May.
Several people have asked us for the names of local auction Agents for the Hardy Roo auction. So here are a few, in no particular order, who we know and trust. Naturally they are also available for any other auction.
Mark Knothe - ph 0414 894 991, email
Matt Hancock - ph 0401 976 018, email
Hugh Freeman - ph 02 9977 5635 mob 0401 528 444, email
Auction 19 is our usual large auction of nearly 1800 lots, which ensures there will be something to appeal to just about everyone.
One of the first things the Rest of the World collectors will notice are the large numbe of comprehensive European one country collections. So many, in fact that we have decided to highlight them on pages 5-10. These collections represent excellent value and they should be enthusiastically viewed by anyone with an interest in European countries.
Australian States collectors will have also noticed the large number of lots from Queensland, these are mainly from the estate of Ron Waddington. Ron was an avid philatelist who collected most aspects of Queensland philately, including stamps, proofs, stationery, postal history and postmarks. We are pleased to be able to offer his collection to you.
Queensland and Victorian numeral collectors will be spoilt for choice with the large number of rare to previously unrecorded numerals we are offering as single lots in this auction.
Auction 19 naturally split itself into 4 sessions, rather than our normal three.
Session 1 commences at 10am with the Rest of World and other little bits and pieces. This section has always been popular with our collectors. This session finishes with lot 592 and we will then take a break for lunch.
Session 2 encompases our Australian Colonies lots. The session starts with lot 593 and finishes at the end of the Western Australia lots with lot 1076. This is the session with Ron Waddington’s Queensland and with most of our postmarks lots. It also includes Colonial/State Postal History and Stationery, revenues etc. Our Railway Stamp collectors will be very interested in some modern rarities we have for Western Australia at lots 1063-68. Most of these items are unrecorded or only known from 1 or 2 examples.
Both South Australian and Commonwealth Stationery collectors will be very interesed in lot 782, our back cover item. This is an unadopted essay produced by JB Cooke for consideration for the Commonwealth view cards that were being planned. These view cards were produced in 1909.
Session 3 will commence at 2:30pm, after a short break. This session includes a few Australian collection lots and then the Kangaroo, Georgian Head & other pre-decimal lots. Here you will find lot 1152, our front cover item, this is the exceptionaly rare, commercially used, 2nd Wmk 1/- plate 1 ‘JBC’ mongram strip of 3.This item is absent from both the Gray auction and the Hardy collection. Collectors of the ever popular 1½d KGV Die I stamps will be pleased to see many lots of plated flaws in this sesession as well.
Session 4 starts at 4:00pm. This is the last section of this sale and it contains the balance of the Australian lots and the Australian Territories lots. Here you will find a wide range of FDCs including many Challis covers, much Australian postal history etc. There is a very rare Nauru 10/- with double overprint, a wide range of NWPI issues, and a PNG 1/7d Cattle pair on cover, this is one of the great usage rarities of PNG.
Just to recap, we have split our auction into mutiple sessions with specific starting times. While we may start a little later, we guarantee that we will not start earlier then the specified starting time.
Session 1 Lots 1-592 10:00am The Rest of the World
Session 2 Lots 593-1076 12:30pm Australian Colonies
Session 3 Lots 1077-1433 2:30pm Australian Pre-decimal Issues
Session 4 Lots 1434-1778 4:00pm Balance of Australia and Australian Territories
Viewing for this Auction.
Saturday 6th April 10am to 5pm
Sunday 7th April 10am to 5pm
Monday 8th April 10am to 5pm
Tuesday 9th April 10am to 5pm
Wednesday 10th April 10am to 5pm
Thursday 11th April 10am to 5pm
Friday 12th April 10am to 6pm
Saturday 13th April 8am to 10am - after 10am limited viewing is available.
Viewing outside of these times is available by appointment only.
Phoenix Auctions
Phoenix Auctions Auctioneer and Dealer from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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