Communist Banks, Shaan Gan Ning Bianky Inxang. 5 Yuan 1941 sig Lin/Zhu EF. P-S3655, B2530a. Rare. (P) Estimate A$750
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Japanese Imperial Government: 5 Yen Yr 12 (1937). gVF. P-M4a, B5015 unpriced, JNDA 13-21. Very rare. (P) Estimate A$2600
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Communist Banks, Maojgungs Liutungkyan 50 Yuan 1944 aUNC. P-S3630. Rare. (P) Estimate A$750
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The New Fu-Tien Bank $1 1929 Consec run of 4. aUNC. P-S2996, B85101. Rare. (4). (P) Estimate A$2000
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Sino Scandinavian Bank: 5 Yuan 1-2-1922 Tientsin Branch sig Munthe-Sung. UNC. P-S592b, B8505, S&M H192-3. (P) Estimate A$600
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Communist Banks, Shaan Gan Ning Bianky Inxang. 100 Yuan 1942 sig Lin/Zhu gVF, P-S3659a, B25308a. (P) Estimate A$750
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Japanese Imperial Government: 10 Yen Yr 12 (1937). gVF. P-M5 cat VF US$2400. JNDA 13-20, B5016 unpriced. Very rare. (P) Estimate A$3500
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Communist Banks, Maojgungs Liutungkyan 10 Yuan 1945, aUNC, hand cut with uneven margins. P-S3636. Rare. Estimate A$750
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Japanese Imperial Government: 50 Sen Yr 12 (1937). VF. P-M2a cat US$250, B5013, JNDA 13-23. Estimate A$200
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Charhar Commercial Bank 5 Yuan 1933 Virtually UNC. P-S856C. Estimate A$150
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