Emergency notes and coins, tokens - Coin Auctions

Lot 30118 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Lot 30118 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Németország / Weimari Köztársaság / Thale am Harz 10pf Zn szükségpénz + Suhl DN 10pf Zn aprópénz helyettesítő T:2,2-
Germany / Weimar Republic / Thal am Harz 10 Pfennig Zn necessity coin + Suhl ND 10 Pfennig Zn 'Kleingeldersatz' C:XF,VF

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens
Lot 30080 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Lot 30080 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Budapest ~1919-1925. 50f 'Szent-Margitsziget Gyógyfürdő' értékjegy T:II
Adamo BUC-270.5

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens
Lot 30097 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Lot 30097 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Amerikai Egyesült Államok 1946-1951. 9c-11c 'Nemzetközi válaszdíjszelvény' (2x) T:II-III
USA 1946-1951. 9 Cents - 11 Cents 'International Reply Coupon' (2x) C:XF-F

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens
Lot 30099 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Lot 30099 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Ausztria 1920. 10h-50h (10x) szükségpénzek Schwanenstadt és Spitz an der Donau városokból T:I- fo.
Austria 1920. 10 Heller - 50 Heller (10x) necessity notes from Schwanenstadt and Spitz an der Donau C:AU spotted

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens
Lot 30119 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Lot 30119 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Németország / Weimar Köztársaság / Thale am Harz 1921. 3M Al 'Thale-i pénz a várossá nyilvánítás emlékére' T:1-,2
Germany / Weimar Republic / Thale am Harz 1921.
'Thaler Geld zur erinnerung an die Stadtwerdung' C:AU,XF

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens
Lot 30091 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Lot 30091 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

1999. 100Ft névértékű 'Centenáriumi Fradi Forint' Sike, Jurikné, Mészáros, Dr. Lakat fényképével + 1999. 100Ft névértékű 'Centenáriumi Fradi Forint' Elek, Dr. Jakabházy, Tóth Potya, Martos fényképével + 1999. 100Ft névértékű ' Centenáriumi Fradi Forint' Somogyi, Ambrus, Dr. Páncsics, Rákosi fényképével T:I

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens
Lot 30113 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Lot 30113 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Németország / Weimari Köztársaság / Aalen 1920. 2pf Fe szükségpénz 'Notgeld' T:1-
Germany / Weimar Republic / Aalen 1920. 2 Pfennig Fe necessity coin 'Notgeld' C:AU

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens
Lot 30085 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Lot 30085 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Budapest ~1920. 1K + 2K + 3K 'Pester Lloyd' utalvány hátoldalon bélyegezve T:I,II
Hungary / Budapest ~1920. 1 Korona + 2 Korona + 3 Korona 'Pester Lloyd' coupons backside with cancellation C:UNC,XF
Adamo BUC-212.1;212.2;212.3

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens
Lot 30107 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Lot 30107 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Német Birodalom / Tettang 1918. 10pf Fe háborús szükségpénz 'Tettang város főhivatala' T:2
German Empire / Tettang 1918. 10 Pfennig Fe war money 'Oberamts Stadt Tettang' C:XF

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens
Lot 30120 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens -  Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Lot 30120 - numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens - Darabanth Co Ltd Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

Németország / Weimar Köztársaság / Walldürn DN 5pf Zn szükségpénz, forgalomba hozatalkor lyukasztva, 'Walldürn város' T:2,2-
Germany / Weimar Republic / Walldürn ND 5 Pfennig Zn necessity coin, hole punched by entering circulation, 'Stadtgemeinde Walldürn' C:XF,VF

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Online auction of stamps, postcards and other collectibles #287

numismatics Emergency notes and coins, tokens