Einbeck, Stadt - Kortling 1505 Rare, VFCoins, medals, banknotes
Lieban album Duits noodgeldCoins, medals, banknotes
Collectie in Lieban albumCoins, medals, banknotes
Uitgebreid Lieban album met ondermeer biljetten in leer en hout, en doosje met 5 bijzondere noodmuntenCoins, medals, banknotes
various notes, some other countries in albumCoins, medals, banknotes
most 1900-1910, Germany, Austria and Hungary and Russia wholesale lot, a.o. 1000 mark 1898Coins, medals, banknotes
Hannover 2/3 Thaler 1814 Georg III, Vz+Coins, medals, paper money
3 Marcos. 1917-E (2003). FEDERICO AUGUSTO III. SAXONY-ALBERTINE. Rev.: Pequeña fecha moderna bajo escudo. AR. Jubileo de la Reforma: Protector de Lutero. Reacuñación de 2003. Tipo KM-1276. FDC.
Thaler. 1868-A. GUILLERMO I. PRUSIA. 18,47 grs. AR. (Ligeras rayitas). KM-494. MBC+.
5 Marcos. 1903. GUILLERMO II. WURTTEMBERG. 27,70 grs. AR. KM-632. MBC.