Belgium 1877. 20Fr Au 'II. Lipót' (6,41g/0.900) T:2 Belgium 1877. 20 Francs Au 'Leopold II' (6,41g/0.900) C:XF Krause KM# 37
numismatics gold coins and commemorative medallions |
2016. 5000Ft Au 'XXXI. Nyári Olimpiai Játékok' tanúsítvánnyal (0,5g/0.999/11mm) T:P Hungary 2016. 5000 Forints Au 'XXXI Summer Olympic Games' with certificate (0,5g/0.999/11mm) T:P
numismatics gold coins and commemorative medallions |
DN '1812. 5L Au 'Napóleon' modern mini pénz laminált díszcsomagolásban (0.2g/0.333/10mm) T:BU ND '1812. 5 Lire Au 'Napoleon Bonapate' modern mini coin, laminated (0.2g/0.333/10mm) C:BU
numismatics gold coins and commemorative medallions |
Dél-Afrika 1990. 1K Au 'Paul Kruger' (34.01g/0.917/32,7mm) T:1- South Africa 1990. 1 Krugerrand Au 'Paul Kruger' (34.01g/0.917/32,7mm) C:AU Krause KM#73
numismatics gold coins and commemorative medallions |
Ausztria 1915. Dukát Au 'Ferenc József' utánveret (3,47g/0.986) T:1- Austria 1915. Ducat Au 'Franz Joseph' restrike (3,47g/0.986) C:AU Krause KM#2267
numismatics gold coins and commemorative medallions |
Ausztria 1915. Dukát Au 'Ferenc József' utánveret (3,49g/0.986) T:2 ü. Austria 1915. Ducat Au 'Franz Joseph' restrike (3,49g/0.986) C:XF Krause KM#2267 ding
numismatics gold coins and commemorative medallions |
2011. 50.000Ft Au 'Liszt Ferenc születésének 200. évfordulója' (7.00g/0.986) T:PP Hungary 2011. 50.000 Forint Au '200th Anniversary of the birth of Ferenc Liszt' (7.00g/0.986) C:PP Adamo EM243
numismatics gold coins and commemorative medallions |
1910KB 10K Au 'Ferenc József' (3,38g/0.900) T:2 Hungary 1910KB 10 Corona 'Franz Joseph' (3,38g/0.900) C:XF Adamo K8
numismatics gold coins and commemorative medallions |
Ausztria 1915. Dukát Au 'Ferenc József' utánveret (3,49g/0.986) T:2 Austria 1915. Ducat Au 'Franz Joseph' restrike (3,49g/0.986) C:XF Krause KM#2267
numismatics gold coins and commemorative medallions |
2014. 50.000Ft Au 'Mária Aranyforintja' (3,53g/0.986) T:1 Hungary 2014. 50.000 Forint Au 'The Golden Florin of Mary' (3,53g/0.986) C:UNC
numismatics gold coins and commemorative medallions |