medaillen deutschland vor 1900 - Coin Auctions
Lot 1012 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen deutschland vor 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #154Silver medal (Dm. Approximate 39, 20 mm, 21, 76g), 1863, from fisherman and Solved, to the 50. anniversary the Battle of Nations. Av: floating angel of peace, over it and beneath characters. Rev: on dragon standing Germania with zerrissenen to chain. Col lection Meseburger 2586, margin fault, extremley fine rare! Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #154MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen deutschland vor 1900 |
Lot 1013 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen deutschland vor 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #154Ulm, gilded bronze medal (Dm. Approximate 34, 90 mm, approximate 18, 96g), 1889, unsigned, to commemorate the marriage from Miss Fanny Haymann with mister Gustav Thalmessinger. Av: crowned coat of arms, over it two hands in a handshake and name Jehovas. Rev: 8 lines characters between boughs. Z. T. Hackneyed, extremley fine rare! Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #154MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen deutschland vor 1900 |
Lot 1014 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen deutschland vor 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #154Saxony, fools about, wearable silver medal (Dm. Approximate 40, 50 mm, approximate 24, 88g), 1895, from Olmuth, on the XV. Federal shooting. Av: length portrait in 3 / 4 view left, therefore circumscription. Rev: standing Saxonia with shield and laurel w reath before city view. Merseburger 2401, small edge nick, nice toned, extremley fine Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #154MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN medaillen deutschland vor 1900 |
Lot 798 - medaillen deutschland vor 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #153Nuremberg, brass token (10, 60 g, 33 mm), 1816, from Th. Stettner / More tepid, on the bread and beer inflation. Av: mother seated with two children, Rev: hand from clouds keep bread scale over sheave and anchor, collection Erlanger 4, very fine. Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #153medaillen deutschland vor 1900 |
Lot 804 - medaillen deutschland vor 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #153Aluminum medal (diameter 39 mm, 18, 53 g), 1894, from Jörgum and Trefz, on the XI. German federation shooting in Mainz. Av: disc on crossbow between coat of arms, Rev: river god Rhein before city view, extremley fine Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #153medaillen deutschland vor 1900 |
Lot 799 - medaillen deutschland vor 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #153Nuremberg, brass token (13, 14 g, 33, 2 mm), 1816, from Th. Stettner / More tepid, on the bread and beer inflation. Av: mother seated with two children, Rev: hand from clouds keep bread scale over sheave and anchor, collection Erlanger 4, very fine to ex tremly fine. Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #153medaillen deutschland vor 1900 |
Lot 794 - medaillen deutschland vor 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #153Frankfurt, (1792-1922), small lot composed of one copper medal, one small silver medal, three tin medals and one gilt copper medal on the XIII. Special exhibition of the German fox terrier club and the VI. Special exhibition of the dachshund club. Is inc luded also a tin medal from Reich (1792) . In total 6 pieces. Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #153medaillen deutschland vor 1900 |
Lot 800 - medaillen deutschland vor 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #153Prussia, Friedrich Wilhelm III., silver medal (21, 74g diameter approximate 33, 30 mm), o. J. (1830),? Premium the royally Academy of Arts. Av: bust left, therefore "FRIEDRICH WILHELM III KOENIG from Prussia". Rev: drawing youth kneeling before column, t herefore "recognition of the diligence", in section 2 lines characters. Front from F. Jachtmann, back side from G. False god. Small edge nick, extremley fine Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #153medaillen deutschland vor 1900 |
Lot 795 - medaillen deutschland vor 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #153Baden, Anna, margravine from Baden, cast lead medal (diameter approximate 46, 50 mm, 44, 16g), 1584, from Baldwin Drentwett, (probably later cast) . Av: length portrait to the right, therefore circumscription. Rev: coat of arms, therefore circumscription . Zeitz 66, very fine. Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #153medaillen deutschland vor 1900 |
Lot 801 - medaillen deutschland vor 1900 - Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #153Worms, bronze medal, 1868, from Schnitzspahn, on the establishment of the Luther memorial. Av: monument, Rev: characters in an adorned cartouche. Contact marks and margin fault, extremley fine Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #153medaillen deutschland vor 1900 |