ROMAN COINS - Coin Auctions
Lot 14823 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389Histoire & Numismatique en Haute Normandie by Nancy Gauthie, Caen, 1980, 133 pgs, 155 x 240mm. Principally covers Roman coins & the coins of the Merovingians. Brown paper & contact cover, minor tones mostly on fly leaves o/w GC. Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS |
Lot 14839 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389Roman Silver Coins: Vol I - IV . Vol I Republic-Augustus, 166 pgs; Vol II Tiberius-Commodus, 216 pgs; Vol III Pertinax-Balbinus & Pupienus, 161 pgs; Vol IV Gordian III to Postumus 135 pgs. Standard reference with identification following Cohen, 1960s-70s edition, Pub Seaby. GC with D/J. (4) Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS |
Lot 14818 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389Description des Monnaies de la Republique Romaine Vol I & II by E Babelon 1885-6 Forni Bologna 1963 reprint, 1235 pgs. Description of coins of the Republic commonly called consular coins. 2 volumes. European retail €120. Beautiful binding in Moroccan leather, marbled paper, ribs, titles & gold decoration on the back. Minimal traces of use on backs o/w VGC. Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS |
Lot 14834 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389Roman Provincial Coinage Volume I, Parts I & II. From the Death of Caesar to the death of Vitellius (44 BC-AD 69), 1998 reprint with corrections, by Burnett, Amandry & Ripolles, pub by British Museum & Biblioteque Nationale Paris. Vol I, 724 pgs & 7 maps (description & text); Vol II, 195 pgs of plates, approx 210 x 290mm, covers Spain to Asia detailing & illustrating some 5000 coins. Invaluable reference. As new in original slipcase. Plus supplement 1998 60 pgs, 11 plates H/C. Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS |
Lot 14813 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389Coinage of the Roman Republic by Sydenham 1952, Durst NY reprint 1976. Lists & details 1369 coins, most of which are photoed. A monumental work still used as valuable reference. VGC. Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS |
Lot 14829 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389Monnaises de L'empire Romain de Moyen age Monnaies Antique Grecques, Public Auction Brussels, Charles Dupriez, 24 Oct 1934. 60 pgs, 840 lots, 14 photo plates. Brown paper & contact protective cover. GC. Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS |
Lot 14824 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389Historical Reference to the Coins of the Roman Empire from Augustus to Gallienus by E A Sydenham, pub 1917 reprinted Spink 1968, 155 pgs. Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS |
Lot 14840 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389Tresors Monetaires Vol I Coins of Phillip I (1979). Pub by Bibliotheque Nationale. 110pgs, 26 pl. Soft cover, cnr bend o/w VGC. Scarce. Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS |
Lot 14819 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389Description Historique des Monnaies Frappees Sous L'Empire Romain by H Cohen. 1983 reprint of the original 1880-92 work in 8 volumes. Most volumes 500+ pages. A classic set & still used as a reference. Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS |
Lot 14835 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389Roman Provincial Coinage Vol II, Parts I & II from Vespasian to Domitian (AD69-AD96) by Burnett, Amandry, Carradice, 1999 published by British Museum & Biblioteque Nationale, Paris. Vol I & II 385 pgs & 120 plates. Approx 210 x 290mm. Details & illustrated 2807 coins. Invaluable reference. As new in original slipcase. Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES ROMAN COINS |