roman republican coinage - Coin Auctions

Lot 3136 - roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc) -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

Lot 3136 - roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc) - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

Albinus Bruti f. Silver Denarius, 48 BC. Rome. PIETAS behind, bare head of Pietas right. Reverse: ALBINVS BRVTI F, clasped hands holding winged caduceus. Crawford 450/2; HCRI 26; Sydenham 942; Postumia 10. Beautiful iridescent tone.

The moneyer, Decimus Junius Brutus, is better known to us than are most moneyers as he saw extensive service under Caesar during the Gallic Wars and was later made governor of Transalpine Gaul. Additionally, he was made Caesar's heir should Octavius reject the inheritance. Despite the favor Caesar showed him, he was amongst the conspirators in his assassination (he should not be confused with M. Junius Brutus, however, who was one of the principals of the conspiracy).
Estimated Value $800 - 900.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc)
Lot 3131 - roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc) -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

Lot 3131 - roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc) - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

M. Nonius Sufenas. Silver Denarius (4.1 g), 57 BC. Rome. SVFENAS before, [S C] behind, head of Saturn right; behind, harpa and conical stone. Reverse: SEX NON[I] in exergue, PR L V P F around, Roma seated left on cuirass and shield, holding spear, crowned by Victory standing to left behind her, holding palm. Crawford 421/1; Sydenham 885; Nonia 1. Old cabinet toning with blue iridescence. Extremely Fine.

The reverse of this coin is historically important in that it alone preserves the name of the praetor who first held the games, the ludi Victoriae Sullanae, in 81 BC honoring Sulla's victory at the Colline Gate. The abbreviated legend is normally read Sextus Nonius, praetor ludos victoriae primus fecit ("Sextus Nonius as praetor first held the games of Victory").
Estimated Value $500 - 600.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc)
Lot 3126 - roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc) -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

Lot 3126 - roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc) - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

C. Marius C.f. Capito. Silver Denarius (3.9 g), 81 BC. Rome. C MAR-I C F C-APIT, draped bust of Ceres right, wearing wreath of grain ears; VII at end of legend. Reverse: Husbandman with yoke of oxen plowing left; above, VII. Crawford 378/1a; Sydenham 744; Maria 7. Old cabinet toning. Very Fine.
Estimated Value $250 - 300.
Included with old envelope.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc)
Lot 3121 - roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc) -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

Lot 3121 - roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc) - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

Man. Aemilius Lepidus. Silver Denarius (5.9 g), 114-113 BC. Rome. RO(MA), laureate, diademed and draped bust of Roma right; behind, denomination. Reverse: (MN) AE-M-ILIO L-E-P, equestrian statue right on three arches. Crawford 291/1; Sydenham 554; Aemilia 7. Iridescent toning. Very Fine.
Estimated Value $250 - 300.
Included with old envelope.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc)
Lot 3137 - roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc) -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

Lot 3137 - roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc) - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

L. Plautius Plancus. Silver Denarius (3.8 g), 47 BC. Rome. [L PLAV]TIVS below, Mask of Medusa with disheveled hair facing. Reverse: PLANCVS below, Aurora flying right, head slightly left, holding reins and conducting the four horses of the sun. Crawford 453/1c; HCRI 29a; Sydenham 959b; Plautia 14. Old cabinet toning with attractive iridescence. Very Fine.
Estimated Value $300 - 350.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc)
Lot 3132 - roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc) -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

Lot 3132 - roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc) - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

Q. Servilius Caepio Brutus. Silver Denarius (3.8 g), 54 BC. Rome. BRVTVS, bare head of L. Junius Brutus right. Reverse: AHALA, bare head of Caius Servilius Ahala right. Crawford 433/2; Sydenham 907; Junia 30. Nice toning. Choice Very Fine.
Estimated Value $400 - 500.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc)
Lot 3127 - roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc) -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

Lot 3127 - roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc) - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

C. Naevius Balbus. Silver Denarius (4.0 g), 79 BC. Rome. S C behind, diademed head of Venus right. Reverse: C N(AE) B(AL)B in exergue, Victory, holding reins, driving galloping triga right; above, CLXXVIII. Crawford 382/1b; Sydenham 769b; Naevia 6. Nice old collection toning. Choice Very Fine.

The moneyer is unattested other than on this special coinage authorized by senatorial decree (ex senatus consulto), which should most probably be viewed as an issue to finance operations in the the Sertorian War in Spain. The triga depicted on the reverse is most interesting: at the time this coin was struck it was already an archaic convention, Homeric in origin, originally borrowed from the Greeks and used in Rome only during the ludi Romani, the games celebrating the Roman victory at Lake Regillus. It appears only one other time during the Republican period, on coins struck 111-110 BC under the moneyers Appius Claudius Pulcher, T. Manlius Mancius, and Q. Urbinius.
Estimated Value $250 - 300.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc)
Lot 3122 - roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc) -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

Lot 3122 - roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc) - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

Appius Claudius Pulcher, T. Manlius Mancius, and Q. Urbinius. Silver Denarius (4.0 g), 111-110 BC. Rome. Helmeted head of Roma right; behind, triangular object. Reverse: AP CL T (MAL) Q (V[R]) in exergue, Victory, holding reins, driving galloping triga right. Cf. Crawford 299/1a (quadrangular object); Sydenham 570; cf. Claudia 2 (same). Pleasing old cabinet toning. Very Fine.
Estimated Value $200 - 250.
Included with old envelope.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc)
Lot 3133 - roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc) -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

Lot 3133 - roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc) - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

Q. Caepio Brutus. Silver Denarius (3.9 g), 54 BC. Rome. LIBERTAS behind, head of Libertas right, jewels in hair above forehead. Reverse: BRVTVS in exergue, the consul L. Junius Brutus walking left between two lictors, each carrying ax over shoulder, and preceded by an accensus. Crawford 433/1; Sydenham 906; Junia 31. Two scratches in the right obverse field. Very Fine.
Estimated Value $350 - 400.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #84

roman republican coinage roman republic (ancient - pre-41 bc)
Lot 2552 - roman republican coinage  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #78

Lot 2552 - roman republican coinage - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #78

Israel. 10 New Sheqalim, 1987. KM-179. Weight 0.5000 For the 39th Anniversary of Independence, 20th Anniversary of United Jerusalem. Choice Brilliant Proof.
Estimated Value $525 - 575.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #78

roman republican coinage