
HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG

lot # 2063 - usa North-, South and Middle-America

Saturday Apr 29, 2017 11:00 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids: 
Apr 28, 12:00 BST

Boston, Newport and New York Steamboat Company; Boston, 31.07.1867, 1 Share á US-$ 1.000, #589, 18 x 25,1 cm, schwarz, beige, Knickfalten, kleines Fehlstück, Steuermarke, stempelentertet, Vignette mit Mississippi-Dampfer. Das Unternehmen wurde im Mai 1863 gegründet. Es übernahm die Dampfschiffe der Bay State Steamboat Company. Die Gesellschaft war auf der Fall River Line aktiv, die eine kombinierte Bahn-Schiff-Strecke von New York City nach Boston war. Die Gesellschaft verkaufte 1869 ihre Schiffe an die Narragansett Steamship Company. Boston, 31 July 1867, 1 Share á US-$ 1,000, #589, 18 x 25.1 cm, black, beige, fold, missing piece of paper, revenue stamps, stamp cancelled, vignette with Mississippi-steamer. The company was incorporated in Mai 1863. It took over the steamboats from the Bay State Steamboat Company. The company served on the Fall River Lane, which was a combination steamboat and railroad connection between New York City and Boston. The company sold its steamboats to the Narragansett Steamship Company in 1869.



About The Seller

HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG


The HWPH AG is one of the leaders of world-wide auction houses for historic investments. The team around Matthias Schmitt promotes two large scale auctions per year: one in Würzburg and... Read More

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