Odds & Sods: Australian Comforts Fund Gift, 6oz tin of Federated Jubes (tin empty). WWII Aust cloth patches - BCOF (2), Cadets (2), WOI (2), Bn Champ Shot, 2DIV, GEN. GC. Assorted Japanese Occupation money notes (22). Fair-GC. Pr of Riverina Regt shoulder flashes. GC. Tins of Shu-Tone dark tan stain (2). Contents Fair-GC. Book of Common Prayer dated 1919, pocket size, GC. WWII era watch band with face cover in brown leather, as new condition. WWII era small arms oil bottle. Aluminium body & brass lid.
Estimate A$150
Sale Terms
Status International
Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More