1863, 4 d. bright-red, plate 4, with hair lines, lettered FG, variety "Imperforate", margins all round, large to left, vivid shade, with gum, slight soiling, otherwise fine and scarce example, additionally come with a three margin example, cut into top, with large right margin, lettered EF, scarce duo. Cert. Brandon (2005). SG Spec. J53d = £7'400 two examples.
Auction 309-320 - Great Britain 1840–1841 Europe & Overseas - Day 5
By: Corinphila Auction AG
Corinphila Auction AG Auction 309-320 - Great Britain 1840–1841 Europe & Overseas - Day 5
CORINPHILA AUKTIONEN AG · Wiesenstrasse 8 · 8032 Zürich · Schweiz / Suisse / Switzerland
Freitag 24. November 2023 / Friday 24 November 2023
9:00 h 30001 – 30330 320: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part III)
New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania
12:30 h 4001 4681 310: British Africa, St. Helena, Ascension, Seychelles, Bushire – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection
St. Helena, Ascencion, Seychelles, British East Africa, Nyasaland
Samstag 25. November 2023 / Saturday 25 November 2023
9:00 h 30331 – 30713 320: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part III)
Victoria, Westaustralia, Commonwealth of Australia
13:00 h 4682 – 5101 310: British Africa, St. Helena, Ascension, Seychelles, Bushire – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection
British Somaliland, Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Bushire
Montag 27. November 2023 / Monday 27 November 2023
9:00 h 1 – 463 309: Europe & Overseas Australia, Australian States Unused – The Peter Campbell Collection (part II)
14:00 h 464 – 1101 309: Europe & Overseas Americas (North, Central & South America)
- incl. South & Central America – The Brian Moorhouse Estate
Dienstag 28. November 2023 / Tuesday 28 November 2023
9:00 h 1102 – 1269 309: Europe & Overseas British Commonwealth, including Crash and Interrupted Mail
11:00 h 5201 5923 311: Egypt, including the Constantin Kelemenis & Ronny van Pellecom Collections
18:00 h 6001 6241 312: Haiti – “Liberty Head” Issue 1881–1887 – The Brian Moorhouse Collection
Mittwoch 29. November 2023 / Wednesday 29 November 2023
9:00 h 10001 10241 319: Great Britain 1840–1841 – The World‘s First Postage Stamps – The Simon Beresford-Wylie Collection (part I)
11:30 h 6501 6696 313: British Stamp Perforation – The Ray Simpson Collection
13:30 h 1270 – 1497 309: Europe & Overseas Great Britain, incl. some Surface Printed „Abnormal Plates“
- Rocket and Space Mail, incl. The Beatrice Bachmann Estate
15:30 h 1498 – 2137 309: Europe & Overseas Europe A –E, Greenland 1721–1938 – The ‘POLAR LIGHT’ Collection (part II)
- Togo Postal History – The John Mayne Collection
Donnerstag 30. November 2023 / Thursday 30 November 2023
9:00 h 2138 – 3365 309: Europe & Overseas Europe F – Z, Finland Revenue Issue 1881 and 1891 – The Jussi Tuori Collection
- Hungarian Post Offices in Romania – The Dr. Geza Homonnay Collection (part I)
- Spain 1850 – 6 cuartos black – Specialised Collection (part I)
Freitag 1. Dezember 2023 / Friday 1 December 2023
9:00 h 3366 – 3477 309: Europe & Overseas Asia / Africa
10:00 h 3478 – 3563 309: Europe & Overseas Collections & Accumulations, Literature
11:00 h 7000 7086 314: Europe‘s “Number 1” on cover – The ‘PENELOPE’ Collection
12:00 h 7501 7686 315: Incoming Mail to Spain 1850–1880 – The Luis Alemany Indarte Collection
14:00 h 9001 9179 317: Rotes Kreuz – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Jr.
15:30 h 9201 – 9567 318: Schweiz &
Schweiz ab 1907, Soldatenmarken, Flugpost Schweiz
Fürstentum Liechtenstein, Sammlungen und Posten Schweiz
Samstag 2. Dezember 2023 / Saturday 2 December 2023
10:00 h 8001 8053 316: Schweiz Bundespost – Seltene Frankaturen 1849–1854 – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Sr. (Teil I)
11:00 h 8101 – 8466 318: Altschweiz Vorphilatelie, Kantonalmarken, Ortspost, Poste Locale, Rayonmarken
15:30 h 8467 – 8613 318: Altschweiz Sitzende Helvetia (Strubel) bis UPU
- Ziffermuster 1882-1899 – Die Sammlung Dr. James Johnstone (Teil II)
Sale Terms
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Lot #6666 - europe Great Britain
1864, 6 d. lilac, plate 4, lettered CA, with hair lines, variety "Imperforate", wmk. inverted, margins all round, side marginal, fresh colour, with gum, minor soiling in margin, very attractive and scarce example. SG Spec. J72f = £4'250.rnRemark: All recorded 6d. plate 4, imperforate originate from three panes forming the A- to E- rows of the printing sheet.
Lot #6667 - europe Great Britain
1867, 2 s. pale blue, plate 1, lettered AA, unused, variety "Imperforate", four margins, with original gum, some soiling, very attractive and extremely rare, matched with Imprimatur from the second corrected registration sheet in a paler shade, margins all round with attractive wing margin left, slight soiling, a very rare due especially matched lettering. Cert. Brandon (2006 for J118d). SG J118d = £24'750 including imprimatur. rnRemark: AA...
Lot #6668 - europe Great Britain
1880, 1 d. venetian red, lettered KE, wmk. crown, unused, no gum, variety "Imperforate", large to touching in south east corner which is damaged, toned, however a rare example. Cert. RPSL (2023). SG Spec. K3a = £ 5'000.
Lot #6669 - europe Great Britain
1853/1883, Collection of Revenue and Fiscal stamps, set-out on twelve exhibition pages, comprising predominately unused examples, mainly singles, although noted bottom marginal block of four F1, block of four F2 and strip of four, a spectacular bottom marginal block of twenty five 1860 Custom stamps, with current number in margin, also examples from inland revenue, judicature fees, law courts, probate court, matrimonial and others,...
Lot #6670 - europe Great Britain
1860/1882, Embossed Inland Revenue stamps, a group of ten examples, good range of values, noted tête-bêche pair F29a, single F48, and F52 with date slug 78, 81 and 82, mixed condition, although some better, a valuable selection. SG = £5900.
Lot #6671 - europe Great Britain
1876/1877, Selection of five SPECIMEN Telegraph stamps, including £5. orange, Plate 1, 5 s. and 10 s. plate 1's, block of four side marginal 6 d. grey, plate 1 and 4 d sage-green, also comes with seven used Telegraph stamps, the odd fault, in the main fine, a scarce assortment.
Lot #6672 - europe Great Britain
1878, 10 s. greenish grey, plate 1, lettered CI, "SPECIMEN" overprint, wmk. Maltese Cross, perf. 15.5 x 15, very fresh, fine to very fine, with most part original gum, scarce example. Cert. RPSL (1980). SG Spec. J124t = £4'200.
Lot #6673 - europe Great Britain
1878, £1. brown-lilac, plate 1, lettered EI, "SPECIMEN" overprint, wmk. Maltese Cross, perf. 15.5 x 15, strong colour, fresh example, no gum, couple of short perfs otherwise fine to very fine, scarce example. SG Spec. J126t = £6'000.
Lot #6674 - brit. colonies Grenada
1875, Overprint 'POSTAGE / ONE SHILLING' on deep mauve, unused, original gum, perf. 14, wmk. large star, fresh colour, very attractive and fine. SG = £700.
Lot #6675 - brit. colonies Grenada
1875, 1 d. green, perf. 14, wmk. large star, corner marginal irregular block of fourteen, unused, original gum, broken pin 7 variety down the right perforation column, vibrant shade, faint diagonal crease through stamp 8 and 11, minor soiling and crease in top corner margin with tear and some tone spots, otherwise very fine and appealing, comes on an album page with an unused bottom marginal block of six and a strip of four, also exhibiting...
Lot #6676 - brit. colonies india
1856/1864, 4 a, black and 1/2 a. blue block of eight, used on cover in combination with GB 1 d. rose-red, lettered EB, from Hydrabad to Edinburgh, on arrival redirected to Ottley, the India postage rate being 8 annas, tied by "96" numeral cancel in black, boxed "INDIA PAID" in red, with Hydrabad datestamp alongside 3 May 1860, the 1 d. rose-red paying the redirection fee, tied by "131" Edinburgh duplex dated 6 June 1860, Ottley arrival to...
Lot #6677 - brit. colonies india
1856/1864, 8 a. carmine, on blue glazed paper, right side marginal, unused, variety imperforate, no gum, no wmk., part inscription and four good to large margins, diagonal crease, attractive stamp and rare. Cert. BPA (2006). SG36a = £9'500 for an imperf pair.
Lot #6678 - brit. colonies india
1856/1864, 1/2 a. blue, horizontal pair, unused, variety imperforate, no gum, no wmk., four close to good margins all round, horizontal crease, very attractive pair and scarce. SG37a = £950 for an imperf pair.
Lot #6679 - brit. colonies india
1856/1864, 1/2 a. blue, horizontal pair, unused, variety imperforate, no gum, no wmk., four good to large margins all round, tiny thin spot to right stamp, very attractive pair and scarce. SG37a = £950 for an imperf pair.
Lot #6680 - brit. colonies india
1856/1864, 2 a. dull pink, left side marginal, unused, most part original gum, variety imperforate, no wmk., part inscription and four good to large margins, crease in lower margin, lovely stamp and rare. Cert. BPA (2006). SG41a = £8'000 for an imperf pair.
Lot #6681 - brit. colonies india
1856/1864, 2 a. yellow-green, unused, variety imperforate, no wmk., without gum, four good to large margins, stamp prepared for use but never officially issued, a rare stamp. Cert. BPA (2006). SG50a = £9'000 for an imperf pair.
Lot #6682 - brit. colonies india
1868, 8 a. rose, die II, overprinted "Service", corner marginal block of fifty, one quarter of a sheet, unused, with original gum, eye catching piece, some creasing and soiling affecting mainly the margin and pen mark to one stamp, however in the main very fine and attractive. SGO30a = £680+ as unused singles.
Lot #6683 - brit. colonies Malta
1864, 1/2 d. bright orange, block of four, perf. 14, Somerset House, Napier Machine printing, unused, original gum, vertical gutter with central perforations, fresh colour, clean crisp example, very fine and scarce, comes with a block of twelve in the 1882 orange-yellow shade, slight gum toning, although impressive. SG5 = £3'600 four singles.
Lot #6684 - brit. colonies Australia
1862/1865, New South Wales, 1 d. dull red, plate II, perf. 14, printed at Somerset House London, interpanneau block of eighteen, unused, original gum, fresh printing, beautiful colour, exhibiting the characteristic Somerset House Wing margin to right, with inscription "POSTAGE ONE PENNY" below and above top strip and bottom block, has been folded between these, gum rubbed in the left margin, otherwise very fine, a remarkable example, believed...
Lot #6685 - brit. colonies Australia
1862/1865, New South Wales, 2 d. pale blue, perf. 14, printed at Somerset House London, bottom marginal block of four, unused, original gum, fresh colour, strong printing, good positioning, odd short perf., slight gum discolouration, a scarce block from the De La Rue printing in Great Britain. SG = £1000 as four singles.
Lot #6686 - brit. colonies south africa
1878, Orange Free State, 5 s. green, vertical irregular block of thrity five, with side marginals and Wing margin between left and right side blocks, apparent soiling in margin, some separation, in the main very fine, scarce multiple.
Lot #6687 - brit. colonies st. helena
1861, 6 d. blue, horizontal pair, rough perforation 14-16, unused, original gum, bright vibrant colour, extremely fresh, scarce stamp, multiples are rare, most attractive example. SG2a = £850.
Lot #6688 - brit. colonies st. helena
1863, 4 d. carmine, imperforate, unused, good well balanced margins all round, vivid shade, scarce example, very fine. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (1991). SG5 = £500.
Lot #6689 - brit. colonies st. helena
1873, 6 d. ultramarine, line perf. 12.5, unused, no gum, good positioning, strong colour, scarce, fine example. SG16a = £550.
Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
Corinphila Auctions is one of the world's leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.... Read More