Literature: Group of British West Indies auction catalogues incl. J. Charlton Henry (Harmer Rooke April 1961) and the final portion (Dec 1961), Hind Second Sale (H.R. Harmer 1934), two examples of Messenger's St. Vincent (RL 1983, incl. PR), St. Vincent (H.R. Harmer 1964 incl. PR), "The Perkins Bacon Plates" St. Vincent (RL 1955 incl. PR), Bessemer's St. Vincent (RL 1970 incl. PR), Burrus' British Guiana etc. (RL 1963 incl. PR) and Townsend's...
British Empire - Day 6
By: David Feldman S.A.
David Feldman S.A. British Empire - Day 6
We are thrilled to announce the opening of our prestigious June Spring Auction series. The sale features an exquisite array of over 5’300 lots of stamps, essays, proofs, postal history and collections from all over the world, just waiting to become a cherished part of your collection!
This auction presents the 10th in a series of auctions featuring the Joseph Chalhoub Collection of Egypt. It includes the early postal history of the Venetian mail, Napoleonic period, Posta Europea, Waghorn and other Agents, plus the stamps and postal history of both the First and Second Issues, King Fouad I and King Farouk.
Europe and Overseas
This auction features stamps and postal history from around the world, with better Austria, Italy, Portugal, particularly strong Romania including the “Marcel” Collection (part II), China, USA and important Persia, with the first part of the Bjorn Sohrne FRPSL collection with his International Large Gold Medal collection of postal stationery.
Olympics & Football
The auction features rare football World Cup medals and memorabilia from the 1930s and 1950s, as well as important Olympic philately and memorabilia including official decrees for the 1896 Athens issue, Specimen ticket albums from 1932 Los Angeles and 1936 Berlin, 1972 Sapporo participant's badges and IOC Session badge, Pierre de Coubertin handwritten letter, etc.
France & Colonies
This auction includes major rarities of classic France such as the exceptional mixed franking of the Ceres 1F carmine and 1F vermilion on cover plus a Ceres 1F tête-bêche pair on cover, as well as the second part of a fantastic collection of over 240 lots of Liberation issues. French Colonies also includes the unique Saint Pierre & Miquelon set of unissued "Libres France" overprints.
Great Britain
This auction presents the greatest offering of Great Britain that we have ever had the pleasure to offer in over 50 years, with an exceptional array of Line Engraved including major rarities, as well as important Surface Printed and KGV.
All World Collections:
This auction features groups, collections and estates from around the world, including specialised exhibit collections such as the John Davis collection of British Forces in Egypt and an FIP Large Gold medal exhibit collection of the Argentina Liberty Heads. This auction represents a great opportunity for collectors looking for a new area to collect, or for dealers looking to add fresh material to their stock.
Indian States
This auction presents 440 lots of Indian States with a wide range of material from many of the States with stamps, varieties and covers, and at price levels from the very affordable to the showpiece rarities. The particular highlight is certainly the Barwani collection of Tony MacGillycuddy, formed over many decades.
Sperati’s Art of Philately
The auction features over 130 lots from philately's most famous forger, Jean de Sperati, with his working clichés and impressions on glass and celluloid paper. It includes a complete approval book that features 235 finished reproductions of some of the world’s rarest classic stamps gifted by Sperati to his daughter, as well as forgeries of some of the most iconic stamps such as the Mauritius Post Office issues, the Swedish 3sk, Australia Roo issues, Great Britain's 2s brown and VR Officials, Austria's Mercury issue, etc.
British Empire
The British Empire auction features attractive British West Indies throughout, with rare stamps, proofs, postal history, stationery and collections. The British Offices in Siam section has a stunning range Bangkok “B”s, with mint and used and no fewer than 8 covers. From Ireland we have the second portions of the Des Quail collection of postal history and the Barry Cousins collection of essays and overprints. As well as better India and Cape of Good Hope triangulars.
Egypt – Chalhoub Part X
Europe and Overseas
Olympic Philately and Memorabilia
France and Colonies
Great Britain
All World Collections
Indian States
British Empire
Sale Terms
Refine Your Search
- aden (1) Apply aden filter
- Antigua & Barbuda (10) Apply Antigua & Barbuda filter
- Ascension (3) Apply Ascension filter
- Australia (36) Apply Australia filter
- bahamas (3) Apply bahamas filter
- barbados (29) Apply barbados filter
- basutoland (1) Apply basutoland filter
- bechuanaland (4) Apply bechuanaland filter
- Bermuda (4) Apply Bermuda filter
- British Empire General Collections and Lots (10) Apply British Empire General Collections and Lots filter
- british guiana (31) Apply british guiana filter
- british levant (6) Apply british levant filter
- british occupation of italian colonies (1) Apply british occupation of italian colonies filter
- British P.O. in Siam (Bangkok) (79) Apply British P.O. in Siam (Bangkok) filter
- british virgin islands (6) Apply british virgin islands filter
- burma (1) Apply burma filter
- Canada (38) Apply Canada filter
- cayman islands (1) Apply cayman islands filter
- Ceylon (13) Apply Ceylon filter
- Cyprus (19) Apply Cyprus filter
- dominica (1) Apply dominica filter
- falkland islands (2) Apply falkland islands filter
- fiji (1) Apply fiji filter
- gambia (1) Apply gambia filter
- Gibraltar (3) Apply Gibraltar filter
- gold coast (2) Apply gold coast filter
- Grenada (1) Apply Grenada filter
- heligoland (1) Apply heligoland filter
- Hong Kong (16) Apply Hong Kong filter
- india (102) Apply india filter
- Indian States (5) Apply Indian States filter
- Ionian Islands (1) Apply Ionian Islands filter
- ireland (304) Apply ireland filter
- jamaica (3) Apply jamaica filter
- Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika (5) Apply Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika filter
- kuwait (3) Apply kuwait filter
- Labuan (1) Apply Labuan filter
- madagascar (british post) (6) Apply madagascar (british post) filter
- malaysia (3) Apply malaysia filter
- Malta (6) Apply Malta filter
- Mauritius (8) Apply Mauritius filter
- montserrat (6) Apply montserrat filter
- morocco agencies (british post offices) (6) Apply morocco agencies (british post offices) filter
- new guinea (1) Apply new guinea filter
- new hebrides (1) Apply new hebrides filter
- New Zealand (2) Apply New Zealand filter
- nigeria (2) Apply nigeria filter
- nyasaland (1) Apply nyasaland filter
- papua (1) Apply papua filter
- papua new guinea (1) Apply papua new guinea filter
- rhodesia (10) Apply rhodesia filter
- seychelles (1) Apply seychelles filter
- sierra leone (1) Apply sierra leone filter
- singapore (3) Apply singapore filter
- somaliland protectorate (1) Apply somaliland protectorate filter
- south africa (109) Apply south africa filter
- south west africa (1) Apply south west africa filter
- st. helena (21) Apply st. helena filter
- st. lucia (3) Apply st. lucia filter
- st. vincent (20) Apply st. vincent filter
- sudan (3) Apply sudan filter
- tanganyika (1) Apply tanganyika filter
- tonga (1) Apply tonga filter
- transjordan (1) Apply transjordan filter
- trinidad and tobago (49) Apply trinidad and tobago filter
- tristan da cunha (1) Apply tristan da cunha filter
- turks and caicos islands (1) Apply turks and caicos islands filter
- zanzibar (3) Apply zanzibar filter
Lot #50802 - British Empire General Collections and Lots
1732-1861, British West Indies group of 24 mostly British West Indies pre-stamp covers incl. eight from Jamaica incl. two "IAMAICA" hs and a two-line ds, five from Grenada with 1776 entire with "COWES SHIP LRE" hs and 1815 entire with large circle "GRENADA" cds, two with large Antigua fleurons, 1790 "ANTIGUA" s/l hs and 1805 with Antigua two-line ds, one from St. Vincent with "BRISTOL / SHIP LETTTER" hs, 1732 entire from Barbados, two from...
Lot #50803 - British Empire General Collections and Lots
1850s-1960s, Substantial accumulation of British West Indies in large and small stockbooks, on stockcards, pages etc in a large box with plenty of worthwhile content. We note used Trinidad, extensive early issues from Br. Guiana with later used such as 1905 and 1921 sets to 96c, mint multiples with many KGV Plate blocks, Jamaica, mint Barbados, used St. Vincent Revenues, Trinidad & Tobago Official SG O14 in sheet of 120 (cats £900) etc....
Lot #50804 - British Empire General Collections and Lots
1860s-1960s, Aden-Zanzibar, an enormous collection in a thick stockbook of twelve pages filled to the brim with unused mostly mint lightly hinged stamps, but also a few unhinged, many complete sets with innumerable high and top values, also several inserted stock cards filled with mostly complete sets, with two certificates. Better sets include Falkland 1933 values to 5s, Hong Kong 1903/12 definitives with values to $10 and fiscal stamps....
Lot #50805 - British Empire General Collections and Lots
1860-1990, collection in six stockbooks and stockbook pages, with interesting Great Britain and British possessions, mint and used with a lot of complete sets, modern mint n.h. sets from "exotic" countries, Australia, New Zealand and many more. Very high value. A good lot for internet dealers.
Lot #50806 - British Empire General Collections and Lots
1879-1960s, British West Indies postal stationery collection (mostly unused) plus some postal history, with cards, registered envelopes, wrappers and Air Letters from Bahamas, Bermuda, British Honduras, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Leeward Islands, Turks, St Christopher, Nevis, St. Kitts-Nevis, St. Lucia and St. Vincent, with a range of types and sizes, some with minor foxing, a great lot for the stationery collector.
Lot #50807 - British Empire General Collections and Lots
1888-1969, group of 78 covers/cards from the Far East, Australasia and Africa, with stationery (used and unused), airmails, etc., noted Hong Kong KGV 8c Lloyd Triestino maritime usage, GB parcel tag with high values incl. Castles 2s6d and 10s to Iran, Australia cover from internee at Loveday Internment Camp, a useful mix and ideal for an internet retailer, plus a few modern Africa covers.
Lot #50808 - British Empire General Collections and Lots
1890s-1950s, one stockbook with more than 500 unused stamps from a wide range of territories from British Central Africa to South Africa, comprising many better sets and high values, including Gibraltar 1925 £5 (SG 108 £1600), better sets Indian states (Chamba, Jind), British Central Africa, 1941 British Occupation of Italian East Africa, and much more. About half of the stamps without gum and some stamps with light brown toning, but...
Lot #50809 - British Empire General Collections and Lots
1891-1922, British Central Africa and East Africa on album pages, good collection with Mint and used, some good values in very fine conditions. Total value 1'500 Euros.
Lot #50810 - British Empire General Collections and Lots British Empire Essays
1894 "AFRICA" De La Rue dummy stamps, group of four 2 1/2d in matching top marginal blocks of four with marginal ornament in different colours incl. pale green and carmine (impurity spots on top two stamps), dull purple and lilac, green and purple and pale green and chestnut, all on gummed coated paper, fine to very fine.
Note: De La Rue proposed this keyplate design to the Cape, OFS, Natal & Transvaal with the intention of making...
Lot #50811 - aden
Victoria 1858 Queen-on-Throne 6d bright blue with bold "124" numeral of Aden, small faults, probably unique. Stamps of Mauritius, India, Ceylon and GB are known cancelled in Aden at this time, but this is the first classic Australian State stamp we have seen as such.
Lot #50812 - Antigua & Barbuda
1862 6d blue-green compound perf.14 to 16 with 11 to 11 1/2, mint o.g., very fine and rare stamp with less than a dozen known; cert. BPA (1973) (S.G. £3'250).
Lot #50813 - Antigua & Barbuda
1879 2 1/2d red-brown and 4d blue, unused with large part original gum and hinge remnants; an attractive pair of fine colour and good centring; cert. Behr (2016) (SG £850).
Lot #50814 - Antigua & Barbuda
1884-87 CA 2 1/2d ultramarine, mint single showing large "2" with slanting foot variety, very fine and scarce (S.G. £180).
Lot #50815 - Antigua & Barbuda
1884-87 CA 4d chestnut mint showing top left triangle detached variety, very fine and scarce (S.G. £350).
Lot #50816 - Antigua & Barbuda
1921 De La Rue master die proof with void value tablet in black on thick white glazed card, attractive and scarce.
Lot #50817 - Antigua & Barbuda
1921 pair of De La Rue die proofs, incl. master die proof with void value tablet on thick white card, cut down to just over stamp size with "Appd for hardening 17 1 21" in pencil on reverse, small surface abrasions, and £1 duty tablet die proof in black on thick white glazed card, endorsed 'Before Striking' and with 14/4/22' in manuscript, fine and scarce.
Lot #50818 - Antigua & Barbuda
1935 Silver Jubilee 1s slate and purple, used single showing dot by flagstaff variety, very fine and scarce (S.G. £550).
Lot #50819 - Antigua & Barbuda
1879-1960s, Group of postal stationery and postal history with various QV to KGV stationery cards and envelopes incl. registered with KGV 3d size H2 unused and "SPECIMEN", unused QEII reg'd envelope size G, H & K, then a range of KGV frankings at various rates incl. registered and airmails, a useful lot (33).
Lot #50820 - Antigua & Barbuda
1921-29 mint collection of the KGV issues written up on pages with the MCA to £1 plus SPECIMEN set and some Plate blocks (incl. 5s), the Script set to 4s plus SPECIMEN set, with plate blocks including 2s and 4s. Lovely material.
Lot #50821 - Antigua & Barbuda
1924-37 collection of 27 KGV covers written up on pages with commercial covers, Air Mails and First Flights incl. scarcer 1931 Dornier DO-X Pan American flight, paquebots, attractive 'philatelic' covers, village postmarks incl. St. Mary's and a cover registered from Parham, etc., four stationery items also, a fine and interesting lot.
Lot #50822 - Ascension
1924-33 1s with variety broken mainmast, mint l.h., natural faint diagonal gum bend at upper left, very fine (S.G. £400).
Lot #50823 - Ascension
1937 Coronation complete nh mint set of three, showing perforated "SPECIMEN", fresh, very fine, and scarce (S.G. £350).
Lot #50824 - Ascension
1938-53 Pictorial 1 1/2d black and vermilion, mint n.h. left sheet marginal block of four, one showing the Davit flaw variety, fresh, very fine (S.G. £400).
Lot #50825 - Australia New South Wales
1850 1d brownish-red, imperforate pair showing one value with clouds and one without, with very good margins on three sides and slightly cut into at right, used with a barred oval cds struck centrally, a very fine pair with scarce se-tenant of SG 12 and 12c; cert. Behr (2016); ex Ferrary.
David Feldman S.A.
David Feldman S.A. company has had a long and well-established tradition and experience in the international philatelic world. David Feldman auctions has unparalleled success at auction, achieving... Read More
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