1852-2000 collectie gestempeld, later */ ** w.b. Indonesië, Suriname etc. in 9 insteekboeken/albums in verhuisdoos
Auction 259 September 2024 - Day 1 Netherlands and Colonies
By: Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen Auction 259 September 2024 - Day 1 Netherlands and Colonies
Varieties Netherlands. Many original country collections. Large selection of good quality classic coins.
Auction order
Friday 13 September
Times (all times CET)
Lot numbers
Auction part
Netherlands and Colonies, collections & stock
Netherlands and Colonies, collections & stock in large boxes
Foreign countries, collections & stock
Foreign countries, collections & stock in large boxes
Saturday 14 September
Times (all times CET)
Lot numbers
Auction part
2000 – 2223
Netherlands and colonies single lots
2300 – 2342
Foreign countries single lots
2500 – 2759
2800 – 2893
Picture Postcards
2900 – 2933
Sale Terms
Refine Your Search
- Andorra (1) Apply Andorra filter
- Australia (3) Apply Australia filter
- Austria (2) Apply Austria filter
- belgian colonies (1) Apply belgian colonies filter
- Belgian military post in the Rhineland (1) Apply Belgian military post in the Rhineland filter
- British Commonwealth (50) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- Canada (1) Apply Canada filter
- China Empire and Republic (1) Apply China Empire and Republic filter
- Denmark (2) Apply Denmark filter
- dutch colonies (21) Apply dutch colonies filter
- Dutch West Indies (24) Apply Dutch West Indies filter
- europe (227) Apply europe filter
- France (12) Apply France filter
- french colonies (14) Apply french colonies filter
- GDR (1) Apply GDR filter
- german east africa (1) Apply german east africa filter
- german occupation issues 1939/45 (2) Apply german occupation issues 1939/45 filter
- germany (32) Apply germany filter
- germany after 1945 (6) Apply germany after 1945 filter
- Great Britain (5) Apply Great Britain filter
- Issues for International Institutions (4) Apply Issues for International Institutions filter
- italian post offices abroad (1) Apply italian post offices abroad filter
- Main catalogue (138) Apply Main catalogue filter
- malaysia (1) Apply malaysia filter
- netherlands and colonies (195) Apply netherlands and colonies filter
- Netherlands and Dutch Colonies (12) Apply Netherlands and Dutch Colonies filter
- occupations in world war i. and related areas (1) Apply occupations in world war i. and related areas filter
- Overseas (108) Apply Overseas filter
- Plesbicites Areas (1) Apply Plesbicites Areas filter
- Portugal (2) Apply Portugal filter
- portuguese colonies (4) Apply portuguese colonies filter
- south africa (3) Apply south africa filter
- Spain (2) Apply Spain filter
- stamps (1) Apply stamps filter
- Triest A and B (1) Apply Triest A and B filter
- united kingdom - channel islands (1) Apply united kingdom - channel islands filter
- USA Issues (1) Apply USA Issues filter
- yemen (1) Apply yemen filter
Lot #302 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
2000-2020ca. ledige jaar- en themaboeken, iets prestigeboekjes etc. in 2 verhuisdozen
Lot #303 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands and Dutch Colonies
1960-1990c. fdc's engros meest ** in doosjes in 4 verhuisdozen
Lot #400 - Main catalogue europe
1853 onwards mostly better items including Austria Dolfuss *, Belgium Albert with helmet *, some Portugal and Germany on stock cards on album leaves in folder
Lot #401 - Main catalogue europe
1850c. onwards with many better items in partly mixed quality, some forgeries etc. in stockbook
Lot #402 - Main catalogue europe
1914-1945c. collection field post mainly WWI (approx. 700 cards/covers) including Germany, Belgium, France, Austria, variety of postmarks and censor markings (including clear strikes), Feldpost labels, postcards, POW, Red Cross etc. neatly presented on album pages in 8 albums. Included some literature in large box
Lot #403 - Main catalogue europe
1940c. onwards mostly ** including topics in 6 stockbooks and 1 album in box
Lot #404 - Main catalogue europe
1860/2000 selection with mostly ** better sets including Greece, Suriname, Portugal, Luxembourg etc. on stockcards in envelope
Lot #405 - Main catalogue europe
1860c. onwards with better items including Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Scandinavia etc. in stockbook
Lot #406 - Main catalogue europe
1924 onwards better items including Switzerland, Hungary and Monaco on album page in folder
Lot #407 - Main catalogue europe
1945 onwards including CEPT sheetlets **, France used, Scandinavia used, Andorra etc. in 6 albums in box
Lot #408 - Main catalogue europe
1985/2018 collection Aland (face value about €900) and Austria (face value about €200) mostly ** in 2 stockbooks
Lot #409 - Main catalogue europe
including some better Austria (Mi. 40II, postmarks), France, covers etc. on 2 stock pages in folder
Lot #410 - europe eastern europa
1870c. onwards with better items in stockbook
Lot #411 - europe eastern europa
187-1950c. including Yugoslavia, Serbia (German Occupation), Hungary, Montenegro, Albania and Czechoslovakia with better items on stockpages in folder
Lot #412 - europe eastern europa
1879/1920 collection Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia used and * with better on album leaves in folder
Lot #413 - europe eastern europa
1990 onwards collection former Yugoslavian Areas, The Baltics and post-Soviet states mostly ** sets and miniature sheets in 2 stockbooks and folder
Lot #414 - europe baltic states
1960's collection Anti-communist cinderella's mostly ** Printed on different coloured paper on album pages in folder
Lot #415 - europe Lithuania
1997 the non issued miniature sheet with the error - PIRIMAJAI instead of PIRMAJAI - Mi. block I, cat. 500 in envelope
Lot #416 - europe scandinavia
and Finland 1852 onwards with better items in 3 stockbooks
Lot #417 - europe scandinavia
upto 2000c. collection booklets ** mostly Sweden with better items in 4 albums in box
Lot #418 - europe scandinavia
1939/2008 collection booklets with about 100 booklets Iceland (1992/2008), Faroer and Aland up till 2009, some Denmark and Sweden in 4 albums/stockbook and envelope in box
Lot #419 - europe Denmark
1851/1978 collection used and from 1907 mostly */** with better sets and back of the book (officials) in Leuchtturm album
Lot #420 - europe Denmark
1851-2012, collection mainly used with some better material in 2 Davo albums
Lot #421 - europe Denmark
1865-1980c. collection postal stationery (both used and unused) including some better items and in addition covers, fdc's, some Iceland etc. - in total approx. 500 in 8 albums in box
Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen is one of The Netherlands' leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.
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