By: Status International
Yugoslavia: 1918-80 collection in 2 Lighthouse Schaubek hingeless illustrated slipcase albums. Inc 1918 opt Bosnia comp to 10K, 1919 opt to 10K, 1918 opt on Postage Due comp to 50f, 1918 Croatia issues comp to 10K, 1924 comp to 30d, 1926 Danube Flood comp to 30d, 1928 Charity comp to 30d, 1951 Esperanto Conference comp, 1954 Animals comp to 100d, 1956 comp to 200d. 1956 Olympics comp to 100d. Extensive with many other comp sets, also various M/Sheets inc 1949 Railway (cat £225). Mainly F-VF M/MNH/VFU, odd aging. SG cat £4800+. 2 Lighthouse albums with pages retail US$300. (2100, 15+ M/S) (P)
Estimate A$1000
Sale Terms
Status International
Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More