PEMBA: AR rupee, ND, KM-X13var, fantasy countermark, circa 1960s, pemba in Arabic within clove-shape border, twice on British Indian rupee, KM-473.2, 1876(b), EF on Fine host. CAC Approved.
Numismatic Auction #22
By: Stephen Album Rare Coins
Stephen Album Rare Coins Numismatic Auction #22
We offer over 1700 lots in this auction! Our auction features coins from all over the world, including:
Ancient coins (Greek, Sasanian, East Africa and Central Asia).
Islamic coins, from all periods and countries (such as Spain, North Africa, Egypt and Syria, Arabian Peninsula, Ottoman Empire, Iran, Central Asia, Afghan and lots).
Chinese coins (Ancient China, Qing Dynasty, Provincial, Soviet period, Foreign colonies, Modern China and Tibet).
Indian coins (Ancient India, Sultanates, Mughal Empire, Princely States, Sikh Empire, British, French, Dutch and Portuguese).
World coins (Asia and the Middle East, Africa, Europe, the Americas, Australia and the pacific and Group lots).
Numismatic Literature.
Buyer’s Premium is 19.5%.
Discount of 17.5% if payments are made by bank wire, check, or money order.
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Lot #1252 - World africa
PEMBA: AR rupee, KM-X14, modern fantasy countermark, ca. 1960s, pemba within glove on a Victoria rupee, type KM-457, dated 1840, EF on bold VF host.
Lot #1253 - World africa
PEMBA: AR thaler, ND, KM-X18, fantasy countermark, circa 1960s, pemba in clove-shaped border, on "1780" Maria Theresa thaler, EF, ex Stephen Album Auction 6, Lot 516.
Lot #1254 - World africa
ST. THOMAS & PRINCE: AR 5 escudos, 1939, KM-Pr7, prova of KM-6, Brilliant Unc.
Lot #1255 - World africa
SUDAN: al-Mahdi, 1881-1885, AR 20 piastres (22.36g), NM, AH1302 year 5, KM-2, Fine to VF, R.
Lot #1256 - World africa
SUDAN: Abdullah b. Muhammad, 1885-1896, AR 20 piastres (18.82g), Umdurman, AH"1302" year 9, KM-21, date is error for either 1309 or 1312, superb strike for this series, About Unc, R.
Lot #1257 - World africa
SUDAN: AR medal, ND, 36mm, group of native soldiers, two mounted on camels, one on horseback, armed with rifles, country name below / Arabic text, al-'amir hakim al-sudan, unnamed, without ribbon, EF, RR. Issued by Sudan Defence Force for general service, instituted in 1933 and awarded to the Defence Force, police and other such persons.
Lot #1258 - World africa
TRIPOLI: Mahmud II, 1808-1839, AR 40 para (10.89g), Tarabulus Gharb, AH1223 year 24, KM-213, USK-117.14, superb even strike, VF to EF.
Lot #1259 - World africa
TUNISIA: Muhammad V, 1906-1922, AR 50 centimes, 1915-A/AH1334, KM-237, Lecompte-163, an outstanding example! NGC graded MS66. An NGC star graded example. NGC assigns a star to coins with exceptional eye-appeal for their assigned grade.
Lot #1260 - World africa
TUNISIA:SET of 5 aluminum sample issues of the 1967 commemoratives of the 10th Year of Independence, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 40 dinars, the reverse of the first four denominations, the obverse of the 40 dinars, listed as essais KM-EA32, EB32, EC32, ED32 and EE32 (but without full description in KM), with original presentation case, each uncirculated, complete set of 5 pieces, RR. Each piece consisted of the normal image of one side muled with a...
Lot #1261 - World africa
ZANZIBAR: Barghash b. Sa'id, 1870-1888, AR ryal, AH1299, KM-4, lovely toning, EF to About Unc.
Lot #1262 - World europe
HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE: Otto III, 983-1002, AR Otto-Adelheid pfennig (1.53g), Goslar, ND, Dannenberg 1167, EF.
Lot #1263 - World europe
HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE: Heinrich II, 1002-1024, AR denar (1.43g), Cologne, EF.
Lot #1264 - World europe
BURGAU: Maria Theresa, 1740-1780, AR taler (27.92g), Günzburg, 1766, KM-16, VF.
Lot #1265 - World europe
AUSTRIA: AR 20 kreuzer, 1809, KM-149, Tyrol state issue, light tone, flan shape a bit crude, one-year type, Unc.
Lot #1266 - World europe
AZORES: AR thaler, ND, KM-21.1, fantasy countermark, crown on "1780" Maria Theresa thaler, based on decree of 14 June 1871, VF. It is presupposed that all examples of this countermark on "1780" thalers and other coins were struck much later, in the very late 1950s and throughout the 1960s.
Lot #1267 - World europe
AZORES: AR 2 reales, ND, KM-25, fantasy countermark, probably 1960s, crown, based on decree of 1887, on 2 reales of Mexico, Zacatecas mint, 1821, assayer RG, type KM-93.4, VF on VG host, RR.
Lot #1268 - World europe
AZORES: AR ¼ rupee, ND, KM-—, fantasy countermark, probably 1960s, crown, based on decree of 1871, on Bengal Presidency ¼ rupee, Murshidabad type, vertical reeding, type KM-104, VF on Fine host, RR.
Lot #1269 - World europe
AZORES: AR ½ rupee, ND, KM-—, fantasy countermark, probably 1960s, crown, based on decree of 1871, on Bengal Presidency ½ rupee, Murshidabad type, oblique reeding, type KM-97, VF on Fine host, RR.
Lot #1270 - World europe
AZORES: AR rupee, ND, KM-28var, fantasy countermark, probably 1960s, crown, based on decree of 1871, on British India rupee of William IV, dated 1835, type KM-450, VF on VF host, R.
Lot #1271 - World europe
BELGIUM: Leopold II, 1865-1909, AR 5 francs, 1880, KM-X8, 50th Anniversary of Independence, About Unc.
Lot #1272 - World europe
CRUSADER KINGDOMS: in the name of al-âmir al-Mansur, 1101-1130, AV bezant (3.80g), "Misr", ND, A-730, Ma-4, Crusader imitation, struck circa 1160-1200, EF.
Lot #1273 - World europe
KINGDOM OF CYPRUS: Henri II of Lusignan, 1285-1324, AR gros (4.55g), Famagusta, ND, Metcalf 526ff, VF to EF.
Lot #1274 - World europe
COUNTY OF EDESSA: Baldwin II, 2nd reign, 1108-1118, AE follis (6.79g), Ma-8, BAΛΔ / OYINO / KOMH / cross potent, with globules at the end of each arm, overstruck on type M-6 of Richard of Salerno as Regent (1104-1108), flan crack, probably due to overstriking, VF, RR.
Lot #1275 - World europe
COUNTY OF TRIPOLI: Bohemund VII, 1275-1287, AR gros (4.11g), Tripoli, Ma-22, cross in lobated square / 8-point star within octofoil, bold strike, choice EF.
Stephen Album Rare Coins
Stephen Album Rare Coins is an American company specializing in Oriental coins which includes Ancient, Islamic, Indian, Chinese and modern world coins. The company produces monthly catalogs and... Read More