1858 15kr II. centrált 'PESTH / ABENDS' (Gudlin 400p)
International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23
By: Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd.
Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23
Apart from the regular mail auctions, Darabanth Co. also holds a set of International auctions with carefully selected material and amazing rarities.
In the field of philately we offer auction lots and collections with a strong focus on Central Eastern Europe, especially on the historical territories of Hungary;
Worldwide postal history is also represented with highly sought-after lots and collections;
An impressive section of Art and Collectibles lots with rare vintage treasures, rarities.
What we offer for postcard collectors all over the world is a rich Hungarian and Worldwide material in the category of pre-1945 town views and a vivid section of topic cards.
A huge catalogue with top rarities (including numerous synagogues, lithographic postcards etc.), precious beauties (first-rank art postcards at low starting prices) and collector favorites.
Online bidding for the Worldwide Philately catalogue at www.darabanth.hu is available until 18:00 CET
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Lot #427 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
1858 15kr II. nagy festékfoltok / paint spots 'RAAB'
Lot #428 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
1858 15kr II. nagy festékfoltok / paint spots, elég jól centrált 'SISSE(K)'
Lot #429 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
1858 15kr II. centrált, lemezhibával / with plate flaw kék cégbélyegzővel 'TEMESVÁR'
Lot #430 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
1858 15kr II. 'VERÖCE'
Lot #431 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
1858 Szürkelila hírlapbélyeg / Newspaper stamp greylilac 'TOTI(S)'
Lot #432 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
1858 Piros andráskereszt papírránccal / Red St. Andrews cross with paper crease
Lot #433 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
1858 3 db bélyeg / 3 stamps 'TEMESVÁR' bélyegzéssel + kézírással / handwritten marks
Lot #434 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
1858 15 db bélyeg olvasható / szép bélyegzések / 15 pcs stamps incl. nice or readable cancellations
Lot #435 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
18.. 15kr II. távolsági levélborítékon / on cover 'OEDENBURG' - 'PRAG' - 'TCHAU'
Lot #436 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
18.. 3 x 15kr II. 3. súlyfokozatú levélen (hiányos, 1 hajtóka hiányzik) / on incomplete cover (1 flap missing) 'PESTH' - 'WIEN'
Lot #437 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
18.. 15kr II. levélen / on cover 'WARASDIN' - 'B:H:BRUCK a/M' - 'ROTTENMAN'
Lot #438 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
18.. 15kr II. festékfoltokkal a fejen / paint spots on head, levélen tartalommal (1 hajtóka hiányzik) / On cover with content (1 flap missing) 'FÖLDVÁR' - 'PEST' - Klagenfurt
Lot #439 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
18.. 10kr I. felül ollóval vágva / above cut with scissors, levélen / on cover 'OKUCANE' - 'KARLSTADT'
Lot #440 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
18.. 10kr II. távolsági levélen (teljes tartalommal) / on cover (with full content) 'ERLAU' - 'KASCHAU' - 'EPERJES'
Lot #441 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
18.. 5kr II. + 10kr II. hátoldalon levélbontáskor eltépve, távolsági ajánlott 'TIRNAU' - 'VÁG-ÚJHELY'
Lot #442 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
18.. 5kr II. levélen (kis hiány a levélen) / on cover (demaged cover) 'FIUME' - 'TRIEST'
Lot #443 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
18.. 2kr narancssárga nyomtatványon (teljes tartalommal, bor árlista) látványos, szép darab / orange on printed matter (with full content, wine list) nice piece 'FÜNFKIRCHEN' - 'WOLFSBERG'
Lot #444 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
185.. 5kr II. távolsági levélen / on cover 'OTTOCSAZ' - 'ZENGG'
Lot #445 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
1858 10kr Tértivevényen / on Retour Recepisse 'R:SZOMBATH', 'RIMASZOMBAT' - 'PESTH' - 'RÁCZKEVE'
Lot #446 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
1858 2kr I függőleges + 3kr I vízszintes párok levélen / 2kr I vertical + 3kr I horizontal pairs on cover 'SÜMEG' - Wien Signed: Diena, Certificate: Ferchenbauer
Lot #447 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
1858 15kr I. elég jól centrált bélyeg távolsági levélen (teljes tartalommal) / well centered stamp on cover (with full content) 'LUGOS' - 'HERMANNSTADT' - 'KRONSTADT'
Lot #448 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
1858 2 x 15kr I. a jobb oldali elfogazva (right stamp with shifted perforation) + 10kr hátoldalon / on the backside (eltépve / demaged) 2. súlyfokozatú ajánlott levélen / on registered cover 'TEMESVÁR' - 'WIEN'
Lot #449 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
1858 15kr I. távolsági levélen (teljes tartalommal) friss darab / on cover (with full content) 'G:BECSKEREK' - 'WIEN'
Lot #450 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1858 issue
~1859 10kr I. levélen / on cover 'MAKO' - 'SZEG(ED)' - 'PESTH' - 'KUN SZ.MIKLÓS'
Darabanth Auctions
Darabanth Auctions organizes two online auctions every month with around 5000 items each. The auction material includes philately and postal history focused on Central-Eastern-Europe,... Read More
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