1960 - 1976, unhinged mint lot blocks of four in two small albums, focal point by the welfare. Youth and olympic stamps and so on. The 70er years, Michel 650.-
1960 - 1976, postfrischer Posten Viererblocks in zwei kleinen Alben, Schwerpunkt bei den Wohlfahrts.- Jugend- und Olympiamarken etc. der 70er-Jahre, Mi. 650.-
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #145
By: Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #145
The 145th auction’s more than 15,000 lots contain the following highlights:
German States: interesting offer with the clearing of beautiful collections including – among others – the territories of Prussia, Thurn & Taxis as well as Northern German postal district with numerous supporting documentations.
Furthermore the second part of “Sachsen Nummernstempel” with over 100 lots.
German Empire: extensive offer with colours, varieties, plate errors, sought-after standard issues, furthermore extensive stamp booklets, se-tenants and an interesting offer of Zeppelin receipts.
German Colonies/post offices: valuable offer with numerous unmounted mint issues, furthermore cancellation lots, used letters, varieties as well as numerous forerunner issues, some proofs as well as issues of the British and French occupation of German colonies.
Occupation World War I./Plebiscites/Damzig/Memel/Saar: interesting and varied offer, including – among others – the clearing of the collection Upper Silesia of prof. Urban with many big and small rarities, like – among others - 10 F *, 10F on a just postage as mixed franking, imperforated, gutter pairs, varieties and specialties, double prints etc.
WWII/Fieldpost: top-notch offer with many sought-after standard-issues, as highlight the extensive offer of rare occurrences “Alexanderstadt” including – among others - Mi.-Nr. 2 **, 11K/11 in ** pair, 12YK **, 12XK ** as well as 16XK **, of which there are only two known copies. The other copy is well in hand so this could be an unique opportunity to purchase this piece.
German local issues: extensive offer with about 500 lots, including – among others – many sought after standard issues, proofs, types, plate errors and mutations.
Westzones/Bund/Berlin: with sought-after standard-issues, plate errors, mutations, stamp booklets and numerous collections, including – among others – special collections stamp booklets “Burgen und Schlösser”
SBZ/DDR: interesting offer with numerous colours, mutations, plate errors and specialties.
Europe: extensive and voluminous offer, mostly the areas Austria, Switzerland with classical issues.
Overseas: USA with numerous classical, sought-after issues.
A numerous collection offer with over 1600 positions, going from the post in an envelope to the estate in numerous cartons, there is something for pretty much every prize category. Including – among others – the clearing of Klaus Zwanziger’s collection, with a ca. 150.000 Euro starting price.
Selected offer of almost 600 lots, including bullion gold, collectors coins going from antiquity to modern medallions.
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Lot #14937 - liquidation bundesrepublik deutschland
Lot #14938 - liquidation bundesrepublik deutschland
1981, unhinged mint inventory 5 till 300 Pfg., in 180 values, in current denomination value, in microcosm stockbook, not be searched, Michel about 500,-
1981, Postfrischer Bestand 5 bis 300 Pfg., in 180 Werten, in gängigen Wertstufen, im kleinen Lagerbuch, undurchsucht, Mi. etwa 500,-
Lot #14939 - liquidation bundesrepublik deutschland - automatenmarken
1981 / 1982, always 15 sets on face 1 and on face 2 with first day cancel "Bonn 2. 1. 81" respectively "Bonn 1. 7. 82", of it four sets on face 1 and ten sets on face 2 with on the back counting number (for these 50% additional charge), clean in the stoc k book, Michel value 1. 110.-
1981/1982, je 15 Sätze VS 1 und VS 2 mit Ersttagsstempel "BONN 2.1.81" bzw. "BONN 1.7.82", davon vier Sätze VS 1 und zehn Sätze VS 2 mit rückseitiger...
Lot #14940 - liquidation bundesrepublik deutschland - markenheftchen
Interesting inventory from some mint never hinged Heuß stamp booklet right up to cancelled stamp booklet from the EURO period, much material and nice treasure trove with high catalogue value!
Interessanter Bestand ab einigen postfrisch Heuß-Markenheftchen bis hin zu gestempelten Markenheftchen aus dem EURO-Zeitraum, viel Material und schöne Fundgrube mit hohem Katalogwert!
Lot #14941 - liquidation bundesrepublik deutschland - zusammendrucke
1955 / 1989, se tenant treasure trove on printed form and stock pages, amongst other things as well all Heuss YII se-tenants in unhinged mint condition (former starting price 200)
1955/1989, Zusammendruck-Fundgrube auf Vordruck- und Einsteckblättern, u.a. dabei alle HEUSS-YII-ZUSAMMENDRUCKE in postfrischer Erhaltung (alter Ausruf 200)
Lot #14942 - liquidation bundesrepublik deutschland - zusammendrucke
1956 / 1999, small collection with amongst other things all Heuss YII se-tenant from MHB 5 YII including the different gutter variety, olympic games 1972 W30 till W37 and SZ + a / b, furthermore as well 52 evident different stamp booklet (former starting price 150)
1956/1999, kleine Sammlung mit u.a. allen Heuss YII-Zusammendrucken aus MHB 5 YII inkl. den versch. Zwischensteg-Varianten, Olympiade 1972 W30 bis W37 und SZ 1/2 a/b, ferner...
Lot #14943 - liquidation bundesrepublik deutschland - zusammendrucke
1955 - 1999, clean round cancelled lot, especially Heuss with WZ5, 6, W17X (2), 17Y, 18X (4), booklet pane 4Y, as well a few later, amongst other things four times MH27, Michel 930.-
1955 - 1999, sauber rundgestempelter Posten, besonders Heuss mit WZ5, 6, W17X(2), 17Y, 18X (4), H-Blatt 4Y, sowie einige später, unter anderem viermal MH27, Mi. 930.-
Lot #14944 - liquidation bundesrepublik deutschland - zusammendrucke
1953 - 1970, unhinged mint inventory with useful Heuss including booklet pane 4YII, 5x W 17 Y II etc., also 120,- used, as well 150,- Berlin, Michel 800,-
1953 - 1970, Postfrischer Bestand mit besseren Heuss inkl. H-Blatt 4YII, 5x W 17 Y II etc., auch 120,- gestempelt, sowie 150,- Berlin, Mi. 800,-
Lot #14945 - liquidation Andorra
Unhinged mint superb lot (small portion used), in particular Europe from the 60er and 70 years, Michel 310.-
Postfrischer Prachtposten (kleiner Anteil gestempelt), vor allem Europa aus den 60er- und 70er-Jahren, Mi. 310.-
Lot #14946 - liquidation belgien
1960-1995, two volumes mint never hinged superb collection including various railroad, postal package, army postal service and official stamps, Michel over 1,500.- Euro
1960-1995, 2-bändige postfrische Pracht-Sammlung inkl. diversen Eisenbahn-, Postpaket-, Militärpost- und Dienstmarken, Mi. über 1.500,- Euro
Lot #14947 - liquidation belgien
Trial proofs and essays, 14 pieces and a horizontal pair to different classic issues
PROBEDRUCKE und ESSAYS, 14 Stück und ein waager. Paar zu verschiedenen klassischen Ausgaben
Lot #14948 - liquidation belgien
1849 / 1961, interesting collector inventory from Michel no. 1 and 2 (3x, of it two on pieces) on stock pages, as well a few issues with middle and better catalog price quotations as well different good souvenir sheet stamps and souvenir sheets (former s tarting price 250)
1849/1961, interessanter Sammler-Bestand ab MiNr. 1 u. 2 (3x, davon zwei auf Briefstücken) auf Einsteckseiten, dabei einige Ausgaben mit mittleren und besseren...
Lot #14949 - liquidation belgien
1851 / 1932, collection with treasure trove character on rustic KABE preprinted pages, as well a few complete sets, different railroad stamp and in the supplement still six additional sheets with duplicates
1851/1932, Sammlung mit Fundgrubencharakter auf urigen KABE-Vordruckblättern, dabei einige kpl. Satzausgaben, verschiedene Eisenbahnmarken und im Anhang noch sechs Zusatzblätter mit Dubletten
Lot #14950 - liquidation belgien
1849 / 1976, with many hundred stamps and some souvenir sheets equipped collection from having full margins Michel no. 2 on piece in the thick Schaubek illustrated album, passim there is one or two better value, in total solid base and to the expand suit ed! (former starting price 200)
1849/1976, mit vielen hundert Marken und einigen Blocks bestückte Sammlung ab vollrandiger MiNr. 2 auf Briefstück im dicken Schaubek-Vordruckalbum, hier...
Lot #14951 - liquidation belgien
1849 / 1999, varied treasure trove from nice Michel no. 2 and further classic issues in small stock books and on old pages (former starting price 150)
1849/1999, abwechslungsreiche Fundgrube ab schöner MiNr. 2 und weiteren klassischen Ausgaben in kleinen Einsteckbüchern und auf alten Blättern (alter Ausruf 150)
Lot #14952 - liquidation belgien
1849 -1958, interesting specialists old stock with no. 1, 2, no. 3, 4 (respectively 7, 8) always 15, no. 5 (respectively 9) 4x, nothing certain, Michel leastwise 900,-
1849 -1958, interessanter Spezialisten-Altbestand mit Nr. 1,2, Nr. 3, 4 (bzw. 7, 8) je 15, Nr. 5 (bzw. 9) 4x, nichts bestimmt, Mi. wenigstens 900,-
Lot #14953 - liquidation belgien
1849 - 1858, interesting old stock cut first issues, as well no. 1, 2, 3 (respectively 7) 15x, as well pair 4 (respectively 8) 15x, 5 (respectively 9) 4x, nothing calculated, Michel leastwise 900,-
1849 - 1858, interessanter Altbestand geschnittener Erstausgaben, dabei Nr. 1, 2, 3 (bzw. 7) 15x, dabei Paar 4 (bzw. 8) 15x, 5 (bzw. 9) 4x, nichts gerechnet, Mi. wenigstens 900,-
Lot #14954 - liquidation belgien
1910 - 1931, clean small superb collection with lots of better values, as well. 81 - 88 without 81 -84II complete, 191 - 203, 244 - 249, 315 -321 etc., have a look, Michel 850,-
1910 - 1931, saubere kleine Prachtkollektion mit vielen besseren Werten, dabei. 81 - 88 ohne 81 -84II komplett, 191 - 203, 244 - 249, 315 -321 etc., ansehen, Mi. 850,-
Lot #14955 - liquidation belgien
1849 - 1905, neat cancelled superb lot early issues with no. 1, 2, no. 3 - 5 on pieces, 42 - 47, 53 - 59, 67 - 77 etc., Michel 1,000.-
1849 - 1905, sauber gestempelter Prachtposten früher Ausgaben mit Nr. 1,2, Nr. 3 - 5 auf Briefstücken, 42 - 47, 53 - 59, 67 - 77 etc., Mi. 1.000,-
Lot #14956 - liquidation belgien
1849 - 1958, old Specialist post cut first issues, as well no. 1-2, 3 (od 7) and 4 (od 8) always 15, 5 (od 9) three times, leastwise Michel 770.-
1849 - 1958, alter Spezialistenposten geschnittene Erstausgaben, dabei Nr. 1-2, 3 (od 7) und 4 (od 8) je 15,5 (od 9) dreimal, wenigstens Mi. 770.-
Lot #14957 - liquidation belgien
1960 - 1990, mint never hinged souvenir sheet stock from Bl. 26, after many souvenir sheets often multiple available, also 1841 - 1846, Bl. 61 and so on. Michel 530,-
1960 - 1990, postfrisches Blocklager ab Bl. 26, danach viele Blocks oft mehrfach vorhanden, auch 1841 - 1846, Bl. 61 etc. Mi. 530,-
Lot #14958 - liquidation belgien
Neat cancelled lot the early Leopoldausgaben with useful values, alike 1, 2, 42-47, 53-59, 67-77 and so on. , Michel 700.-
Sauber gestempelter Posten der frühen Leopoldausgaben mit besseren Werten, wie 1, 2 , 42-47, 53-59, 67-77 etc. , Mi. 700.-
Lot #14959 - liquidation belgien
1851 - 1915, neat cancelled old lot with useful values from 3 - 5, 53 - 59, 81 - 88I, 89 - 99, 110 - 112 etc., no. 22U full- / with wide margins not calculated, Michel leastwise 670,-
1851 - 1915, sauber gestempelter alter Posten mit besseren Werten ab 3 - 5, 53 - 59, 81 - 88I, 89 - 99, 110 - 112 etc., Nr. 22U voll-/breitrandig unbewertet, Mi. wenigstens 670,-
Lot #14960 - liquidation belgien
1932 - 1944, small superb Pre-war collection, very clean with useful values alike no. 432, a good deal tuberculosis and others sets, Michel 550,-
1932 - 1944, kleine Pracht-Vorkriegssammlung, sehr sauber mit besseren Werten wie Nr. 432, sehr viel Tuberkulose und andere Serien, Mi. 550,-
Lot #14961 - liquidation belgien
1858 - 1907, neat cancelled old stock with a complete alignment middle and better items, as well no. 10 - 13, 26 36 - 38, 77 (2) etc., Michel 780,-
1858 - 1907, sauber gestempelter Altbestand mit einer ganzen Reihe mittlerer und besserer Werte, dabei Nr. 10 - 13, 26 36 - 38, 77 (2) etc., Mi. 780,-
Dr. R. Fischer
Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More