Netherlands, 1913, 2 1/2 gld., dark green, the picture of the stamp is MNH/above in the margin the stamp was hinged, IMPERF at the upper margin, a very fresh and attractive variety, F-VF. Estimate 500€. 47 90 Av
Estimate €500
3 rd classicphil Auction - VIENNA- AUSTRIA
By: classicphil GmbH - Matthias Fukac
classicphil GmbH - Matthias Fukac 3 rd classicphil Auction - VIENNA- AUSTRIA
JUST STAMPS - Welcome to the 3st classicphil auction Vienna. We offer you a choice selection of 2085 classic stamps with low starting prices. The focus is Australian States, British Commonwealth, CHINA, Indian States, Malaysia, Thailand, Brasil, Peru and Saudi Arabia. Here you find affordable gems at reasonable prices.
At Fleming's Selection Hotel Wien-City/Josefstädter Str. 10-12/1080 Vienna
Europe, Saudi Arabia, GB, BC - Caribbean, USA, Canada and South America
14. October - 09:00 am - 01:00 pm CET
Australia with G.R.I, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia and States, BC - Africa
14. October - 09:00 am - 08:00 pm CET
Philippines, China with Provinces, Liberated Areas and Foreign Colonies
(German/French/British), India with Convention and Feudatory States
14. October - 09:00 am - 01:00 pm CET
15. October - 09:00 am - 08:00 pm CET
Auction schedule and index
Each day lunch is at 12:00 - 01:00 pm CET and two coffee breaks at 10:30 - 11:00 am and 04:00 - 04:30 pm CET
Europe, Saudi Arabia, GB, BC - Caribbean, USA, Canada and South America
14. October - 01:00 pm CET until the end - Lot # 10001 - 10669 - Page 4 - 133 in our catalogue
Australia with G.R.I, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysian States, BC - Africa/MAURITIUS
15. October - 09:00 am CET until the end - Lot # 20001 - 20778 - Page 134 - 273 in our catalogue
Philippines, China with Provinces, Liberated Areas and Foreign Colonies
(German/French/British), India with Convention and Feudatory States
16. October - 09:00 am CET until the end - Lot # 30001 - 30638 - Page 274 - 403 in our catalogue
Sale Terms
Refine Your Search
- Australia (224) Apply Australia filter
- british africa (145) Apply british africa filter
- British Caribbean (70) Apply British Caribbean filter
- British Commonwealth (3) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- China (283) Apply China filter
- Collections and Lots British Commonwealth Afrika (1) Apply Collections and Lots British Commonwealth Afrika filter
- collections and lots british commonwealth general (8) Apply collections and lots british commonwealth general filter
- Collections and Lots British Commonwealth Oceania (1) Apply Collections and Lots British Commonwealth Oceania filter
- europe (313) Apply europe filter
- french colonies (11) Apply french colonies filter
- germany (63) Apply germany filter
- Hong Kong (17) Apply Hong Kong filter
- india (313) Apply india filter
- indonesia (19) Apply indonesia filter
- Japan (5) Apply Japan filter
- Malayia (306) Apply Malayia filter
- middle east (60) Apply middle east filter
- Netherland colonies (2) Apply Netherland colonies filter
- netherlands indies japanese occupation sumatra (1) Apply netherlands indies japanese occupation sumatra filter
- New Zealand, Oceania (42) Apply New Zealand, Oceania filter
- North America (33) Apply North America filter
- Philippines (25) Apply Philippines filter
- Portugese colonies (3) Apply Portugese colonies filter
- south africa (16) Apply south africa filter
- south america (97) Apply south america filter
- South Korea (1) Apply South Korea filter
- Switzerland (13) Apply Switzerland filter
- thailand (10) Apply thailand filter
Lot #10151 - europe Netherlands
Lot #10152 - europe Netherlands
Netherlands, 1913, 10 gld., red orange, MH, well centred, perf 11 1/2, very fresh and attractive, F-VF!. Estimate 950€. 47 101 B
Estimate €950
Lot #10153 - europe Netherlands
Netherlands, 1913, 10 gld., red orange, used, very well centred, perf 11 1/2, very fresh and attractive, VF!. Estimate 900€. 47 101 B
Estimate €900
Lot #10154 - europe Netherlands
Netherlands, 1920, 2 1/2 gld. on 10 gld., used AMSTERDAM, pair tied to piece, rare as multiple, very fresh and attractive, perfectly centred, XF-SUP!. Estimate 500€. 47 104
Estimate €500
Lot #10155 - europe Netherlands
Netherlands, 1920, 2 1/2 gld. on 10 gld., MNH, well centred, very fresh and attractive, F-VF!. Estimate 425€. 47 105
Estimate €425
Lot #10156 - europe Netherlands
Netherlands, 1923, 10 c. on 17 1/2 c., ultramarine and brown, MNH **, with red opt, perf 11 1/2, well centred, cert. NVPH, F-VF!. Estimate 4.000€. 47 119 B
Estimate €4000
Lot #10157 - europe Netherlands
Netherlands, 1923, 5 gld., dark blue, 25th anniv. Queen Wilhelmina, MNH, excellent condition, XF!. Estimate 475€. 47 131
Estimate €475
Lot #10158 - europe Netherlands
Netherlands, 1924, 10 + 2 1/2, three colour trials imperf, blue green/wine red/deep orange, MHN, very attractive combination, not listed in NVPH, XF!. Estimate 1.000€. 47 143 var
Estimate €1000
Lot #10159 - europe Netherlands
Netherlands, 1928, 1 c., carmine, MNH, block of six from the lower margin, upper left stamp with 2 middle bars in E of CENTS, very appealing in this positional multiple, XF!. Estimate 300€. 47 170 var
Estimate €300
Lot #10160 - europe Netherlands
Netherlands, 1928, 1 1/2, red violet, multiple MNH/only a hing in the left margin, lower left corner block of four, T of CENT nearly full missing at the upper left stamp, interesting variety on a positional multiple, F-VF!. Estimate 300€. 47 171 var
Estimate €300
Lot #10161 - europe Netherlands
Netherlands, 1887, 5 c., light blue and black, LPOG, with some of the paperstructure on reverse, origin thus, opt. SPECIMEN, unique preserved colour with intense and rich shade, ex Royal Swedish Postal SPECIMEN Archive, F-VF!. Estimate 160€. 47 P6
Estimate €160
Lot #10162 - europe Netherlands
Netherlands, 1870, 5 - 10 c., LPOG, with some of the paperstructure on reverse, origin thus, unique preserved colour with intense and rich shade, ex Royal Swedish Postal SPECIMEN Archive, F-VF!. Estimate 1.200€. 47 P1-2
Estimate €1200
Lot #10163 - europe Netherlands
Netherlands, 1877-1903, telegraph stamps, 9 items all with LPOG, all with very fresh, rich colour and attractive, F-VF!. Estimate 4.000€. 47 TG1-6,9-10,12
Estimate €4000
Lot #10164 - europe Netherlands
Netherlands, 1864-99, lot from the rest of the archival original sheets, LPOG, on the original paperstructure, origin thus, unique preserved colour with intense and rich shade, ex Royal Swedish Postal SPECIMEN Archive, G-VF!. Estimate 1.800€.
Estimate €1800
Lot #10165 - europe Netherlands
Netherlands, 1867-88, fresh lot of classic values mint to LPOG, fresh and attractive, 50 c. cert. Muis, XF!. Estimate 4.500€.
Estimate €4500
Lot #10166 - europe Netherlands
Netherlands, 1852-1929, collection on album pages, several higher values, very fresh and attractive items in a very high state of quality, F-SUP!. Estimate 4.500€.
Estimate €4500
Lot #10167 - europe Netherlands
Netherlands, 1891-1953, specialized collection with a focus on perf and plate flaws in one album on more then 100 albumpages, many letters and cards, very rich and attractive, for the high end collector, F-SUP!. Estimate 8.000€.
Estimate €8000
Lot #10168 - Netherland colonies Netherlands Indies
Netherlands Indies, 1910, Small lot of (4), (2) Netherland Indies, (2) Suriname, MHN, MH, NG, very fresh, F-XF!. Estimate 300€. 47 30, 68 fb, 61, 62
Estimate €300
Lot #10169 - Netherland colonies curacao
Curacao, 1889, 25 c., green, neatly cancelled CURACAO, very fresh and attractive, F-VF!. Estimate 240€. 47 P7III
Estimate €240
Lot #10170 - europe Austria
Austria, 1858, 2 kr., Lot von (6) gestempelten Stücken in allen Farben - hellgelb, dunkelgelb, hellorange, dunkelorange, orange und schwefelgelb, 3 Atteste für 10 II c,d und e (Ferchenbauer, Rismondo, Strakosch), schöne Zusammenstellung, VF!. Estimate 2.400€. 60 10 II a-f
Estimate €2400
Lot #10171 - europe Austria
Austria, 1882, 4 x 5 kr., rot, Brief von WIEN/Maximilianstrasse nach YOKOHAMA/Japan über BRINDISI/Italien mit italienischem Zugstempel PONTE..., mit Ankunftsstempel YOKOHAMA, seltene Destination, VF!. Estimate 3.000€. 60 37 II
Estimate €3000
Lot #10172 - europe Austria
Austria, 1881, 2 x 15 kr., blau, Brief von WIEN/Maximilianstrasse nach YOKOHAMA/Japan über NEAPEL/Italien, mit Ankunftsstempel, seltene Destination, VF!. Estimate 3.000€. 60 39 II
Estimate €3000
Lot #10173 - europe Austria
Austria, 1946, ANTIFA, 5 + 3 gr. und 12 + 12 gr., verstrichener bis kein Originalgummi, die unverausgabten Werte, sogennante Blitz-Totenmaske, der schwarzbraune Wert weist einen DOPPELDRUCK im rechten Rand auf sowie Schlieren im Druckbild, wie es bei einem Druckbogenversatz im Walzendruck vorkommt, trotz der Gummierungsproblematik ein interessantes, philatelistisches und unikales Stück!. Estimate 2.000€. 60 XIII/XIV
Estimate €2000
Lot #10174 - europe Austria
Austria, 1887, Ein fl., violett und scharz/weiß, Telefonsprechkarte, archivfrisch, ungebraucht, Luxuserhaltung!. Estimate 700€. 51 2
Estimate €700
Lot #10175 - europe Austria
Austria, 1888, 20 kr., grau und scharz/rosa, Lokalverkehr, Telefonsprechkarte, archivfrisch, ungebraucht, Luxuserhaltung!. Estimate 800€. 51 4
Estimate €800