Military postal card from "BP.999*27.2.17" via "MARSEILLE ETRANGER*27.3.17" to Geneve. Serbian censor cachet (17) in lilac (type IV/A-rarity V).
Postal Auction 660 General Philatelic Auction
By: A. Karamitsos
A. Karamitsos Postal Auction 660 General Philatelic Auction
Public Auction № 660
General Sale
13 June 2020
Start time 10:30
Hilton Athens Hotel
Athens Auctions Store
Monday, 11 May 2020 to
Friday, 12 June 2020
Working hours:
Monday to Friday 09:30–17:30
Saturday 09:30–15:00
Hilton Athens Hotel
Saturday, 13 June 2020
Sale Terms
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Lot #1572 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
Cover from "BP.999*8.2.17" fr. with 25c French stamp canc. by special bi-circular cachet on arrival in Geneve (9.III.17). Serbian censor cachet (22) in lilac (type IV/A).
Lot #1573 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
Postal card from "BP.999*11.10.16" to BP.4. Serbian censor cachet "OUVERT PAR LAUTORITE MILITAIRE SERBE" in lilac (type III/2-rarity GV).
Lot #1574 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
Wrapper from BP.999 to Weesen fr. with 5c French stamp canc. 2-line "..........GARE". Serbian censor cachet "OUVERT PAR LAUTORITE MILITAIRE SERBE" (type III/1/A, rarity VR).
Lot #1575 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
Military postal card from BP.28 via "BP.414*2?.1.17" and "BP.999*26.1.17", arr. "MINISTARSKA*1.2.17". Serbian censor cachet (20) in black, repaired (rarity VR).
Lot #1576 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
Postal card from "BP.222*13.9.17" in black (rarity GV), fr. with 10c French stamp canc. by pen, via "BP.999*27.9.17" to Weesen. Serbian censor cachet (13) in lialc.
Lot #1577 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
Military postal card from "BP.801*24.2.17" to BP.504. Serbian censor cachet 26 without parenthesis on the left hand side and without the frameline (type VII, rarity R).
Lot #1578 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
Hungarian stationary postal card printed 8F fr. add. with 5F canc. "ZEMUN*918.MAJ.20", arr. "GENEVE*29.V.18". Serbian censor cachet "34 PREGLEDALA/VOJNA CENSURA" in lilac with the number at left without parenthesis.
Lot #1579 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
Wrapper with linear "POSTES SERBES" fr. with 2x5c. and posted from "MINISTARSKA*16.3.1917" with Serbian censorship "CENSURE/MILITAIRE SERBE" in violet (type XIII) to Miliana, Algeria. R.
Lot #1580 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
Triple weight registered cover fr. with 5c+50c. cancelled with linear "POSTES SERBES" and posted from "MINISTARSKA*13.7.918" with Serbian censorship "CENSURE/MILITAIRE SERBE", arr. "MARSEILLE".
Lot #1581 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
Registered cover with linear "POSTES SERBES" fr. with 8x5c. and posted from "MINISTARSKA*28.10.917" without any censorship indication marl, arr. "GRAVENHAGE*17.X.17". Large Wax seal on reverse.
Lot #1582 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
Cover from "PARIS*6.3.18", arr. "WEESEN*13.3.18". Oval censor cachet "OUVERT/126" and tape "CONTROLE POSTALE MILITAIRE".
Lot #1583 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
Registered cover fr. with 50c French stamp canc. "PARIS*17.10.17", arr. "WEESEN*23.X.17". Oval censor cachet "OUVERT/115" and tape "CONTROLE POSTALE MILITAIRE".
Lot #1584 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
Military postal card from BP.28 , arr. "BP.999*23.6.18". Serbian censor cachet (62) in lilac, type V.
A. Karamitsos
A. Karamitsos are experienced auctioneers of Philatelic, Numismatic and Post Card. We are specialists in the stamps and postal history of Greece, Greek Errors, New Greek Territories, Levant,... Read More
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