China: Provincial Bank of Honan 50 Coppers 1923, P.S1682b, PMG 30 Very Fine.
Provincial Bank of Honan 50 Coppers 1923, P.S1682b, PMG 30 Very Fine.
For this lot an additional 7% for Import Expenses (Taxes) will be charged.
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Sale #47 Banknotes Worldwide & Germany, Numismatics
By: Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #47 Banknotes Worldwide & Germany, Numismatics
This auction offers a wide variety of remarkable items from all over the world, including unique pieces, world rarities and post-historically important items of all kinds. Some highlights of our 45nd auction.
- The Banknotes Worldwide section
- Banknotes Collections and Bank Notes Germany
- Single lots Asia, Thematics, Overseas, Europe
- Single lots Germany and picture post cards
- Collections Worldwide
- Collections Germany
We are looking forward to welcome you at the viewing and the auction days.
Sale Terms
Refine Your Search
- Afghanistan (6) Apply Afghanistan filter
- Africa / Afrika (6) Apply Africa / Afrika filter
- Albania / Albanien (4) Apply Albania / Albanien filter
- Algeria / Algerien (7) Apply Algeria / Algerien filter
- alle welt (12) Apply alle welt filter
- Andorra (2) Apply Andorra filter
- angola (6) Apply angola filter
- Argentina / Argentinien (14) Apply Argentina / Argentinien filter
- Armenia / Armenien (3) Apply Armenia / Armenien filter
- Asia / Asien (5) Apply Asia / Asien filter
- Australia / Australien (2) Apply Australia / Australien filter
- Austria / Österreich (57) Apply Austria / Österreich filter
- Azores / Azoren (1) Apply Azores / Azoren filter
- bahamas (10) Apply bahamas filter
- bahrain (2) Apply bahrain filter
- barbados (1) Apply barbados filter
- belarus (2) Apply belarus filter
- Belgian Congo / Belgisch Kongo (6) Apply Belgian Congo / Belgisch Kongo filter
- Belgium / Belgien (7) Apply Belgium / Belgien filter
- Belize (7) Apply Belize filter
- Bermuda (2) Apply Bermuda filter
- bhutan (2) Apply bhutan filter
- Bolivia / Bolivien (6) Apply Bolivia / Bolivien filter
- Bosnia & Herzegovina / Bosnien & Herzegovina (1) Apply Bosnia & Herzegovina / Bosnien & Herzegovina filter
- Brazil / Brasilien (11) Apply Brazil / Brasilien filter
- British Guiana / Britisch Guayana (1) Apply British Guiana / Britisch Guayana filter
- british honduras (3) Apply british honduras filter
- british north borneo (3) Apply british north borneo filter
- british west africa (2) Apply british west africa filter
- brunei (2) Apply brunei filter
- Bulgaria / Bulgarien (38) Apply Bulgaria / Bulgarien filter
- Burma / Myanmar / Birma (5) Apply Burma / Myanmar / Birma filter
- burundi (9) Apply burundi filter
- Cambodia / Kambodscha (2) Apply Cambodia / Kambodscha filter
- Cameroon / Kamerun (11) Apply Cameroon / Kamerun filter
- Canada (19) Apply Canada filter
- Cape Verde / Kap Verde (2) Apply Cape Verde / Kap Verde filter
- cayman islands (3) Apply cayman islands filter
- Central African Republic / Zentralafrikanische Republik (2) Apply Central African Republic / Zentralafrikanische Republik filter
- Ceylon (6) Apply Ceylon filter
- Chile (4) Apply Chile filter
- China (36) Apply China filter
- Colombia / Kolumbien (8) Apply Colombia / Kolumbien filter
- Congo / Kongo (7) Apply Congo / Kongo filter
- cook islands (1) Apply cook islands filter
- Costa Rica (8) Apply Costa Rica filter
- Croatia / Kroatien (2) Apply Croatia / Kroatien filter
- Cuba (1) Apply Cuba filter
- curacao (3) Apply curacao filter
- Cyprus / Zypern (19) Apply Cyprus / Zypern filter
- Czechoslovakia / Tschechoslowakei (2) Apply Czechoslovakia / Tschechoslowakei filter
- Danish West Indies / Dänisch Westindien (3) Apply Danish West Indies / Dänisch Westindien filter
- Denmark / Dänemark (5) Apply Denmark / Dänemark filter
- Deutschland - Alliierte Militärbehörde + Ausgaben 1945-1948 (15) Apply Deutschland - Alliierte Militärbehörde + Ausgaben 1945-1948 filter
- Deutschland - Altdeutsche Staaten (3) Apply Deutschland - Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Deutschland - Bank Deutscher Länder + Bundesrepublik Deutschland (50) Apply Deutschland - Bank Deutscher Länder + Bundesrepublik Deutschland filter
- Deutschland - Briefmarkennotgeld (3) Apply Deutschland - Briefmarkennotgeld filter
- Deutschland - DDR (3) Apply Deutschland - DDR filter
- Deutschland - Deutsches Reich bis 1945 (56) Apply Deutschland - Deutsches Reich bis 1945 filter
- Deutschland - Kolonien (2) Apply Deutschland - Kolonien filter
- Deutschland - Konzentrations- und Kriegsgefangenenlager (16) Apply Deutschland - Konzentrations- und Kriegsgefangenenlager filter
- Deutschland - Länderscheine (3) Apply Deutschland - Länderscheine filter
- Deutschland - Nebengebiete Deutsches Reich (19) Apply Deutschland - Nebengebiete Deutsches Reich filter
- deutschland - notgeld (8) Apply deutschland - notgeld filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Baden (2) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Baden filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Bayern (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Bayern filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Berlin und Brandenburg (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Berlin und Brandenburg filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Ehemalige Ostgebiete (5) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Ehemalige Ostgebiete filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Hamburg (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Hamburg filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Rheinland (2) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Rheinland filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Sachsen (2) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Sachsen filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Sachsen-Anhalt (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Sachsen-Anhalt filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Schleswig-Holstein (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Schleswig-Holstein filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Thüringen (3) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Thüringen filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Westfalen (4) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Westfalen filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Württemberg (20) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Württemberg filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld besonderer Art (6) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld besonderer Art filter
- Deutschland - Reichsbahn / Reichspost (19) Apply Deutschland - Reichsbahn / Reichspost filter
- Deutschland - Sonstige (7) Apply Deutschland - Sonstige filter
- Djibouti / Dschibuti (9) Apply Djibouti / Dschibuti filter
- Dominican Republic / Dominikanische Republik (6) Apply Dominican Republic / Dominikanische Republik filter
- East Africa / Ost-Afrika (13) Apply East Africa / Ost-Afrika filter
- Ecuador (4) Apply Ecuador filter
- Egypt / Ägypten (6) Apply Egypt / Ägypten filter
- el salvador (4) Apply el salvador filter
- Equatorial African States (1) Apply Equatorial African States filter
- Equatorial Guinea / Äquatorialguinea (1) Apply Equatorial Guinea / Äquatorialguinea filter
- Estonia / Estland (3) Apply Estonia / Estland filter
- Ethiopia / Äthiopien (13) Apply Ethiopia / Äthiopien filter
- EURO (2) Apply EURO filter
- europa (2) Apply europa filter
- Faeroe Islands / Färöer (3) Apply Faeroe Islands / Färöer filter
- Falkland Islands / Falkland Inseln (5) Apply Falkland Islands / Falkland Inseln filter
- fiji (12) Apply fiji filter
- Finland / Finnland (21) Apply Finland / Finnland filter
- France / Frankreich (96) Apply France / Frankreich filter
- French Afars & Issas (2) Apply French Afars & Issas filter
- French Antilles / Französische Antillen (5) Apply French Antilles / Französische Antillen filter
- French Equatorial Africa / Französisch-Äquatorialafrika (7) Apply French Equatorial Africa / Französisch-Äquatorialafrika filter
- French Guiana / Französisch-Guayana (2) Apply French Guiana / Französisch-Guayana filter
- French Indochina / Französisch Indochina (8) Apply French Indochina / Französisch Indochina filter
- French Somaliland / Französisch Somaliland (6) Apply French Somaliland / Französisch Somaliland filter
- French West Africa / Französisch Westafrika (7) Apply French West Africa / Französisch Westafrika filter
- Gabon / Gabun (1) Apply Gabon / Gabun filter
- gambia (3) Apply gambia filter
- Georgia / Georgien (1) Apply Georgia / Georgien filter
- ghana (5) Apply ghana filter
- Gibraltar (6) Apply Gibraltar filter
- Great Britain / Großbritannien (7) Apply Great Britain / Großbritannien filter
- Greece / Griechenland (10) Apply Greece / Griechenland filter
- guadeloupe (3) Apply guadeloupe filter
- guatemala (5) Apply guatemala filter
- guernsey (1) Apply guernsey filter
- Guinea (3) Apply Guinea filter
- guinea bissau (1) Apply guinea bissau filter
- haiti (4) Apply haiti filter
- Honduras (4) Apply Honduras filter
- Hong Kong (3) Apply Hong Kong filter
- Hungary / Ungarn (57) Apply Hungary / Ungarn filter
- Iceland / Island (3) Apply Iceland / Island filter
- India / Indien (39) Apply India / Indien filter
- Indonesia / Indonesien (3) Apply Indonesia / Indonesien filter
- iran (112) Apply iran filter
- Iranian Azerbaijan / Iranisch Aserbaidschan (1) Apply Iranian Azerbaijan / Iranisch Aserbaidschan filter
- Iraq / Irak (2) Apply Iraq / Irak filter
- Ireland / Irland (6) Apply Ireland / Irland filter
- isle of man (2) Apply isle of man filter
- Israel (2) Apply Israel filter
- italian states (1) Apply italian states filter
- Italy / Italien (34) Apply Italy / Italien filter
- jamaica (2) Apply jamaica filter
- Japan (7) Apply Japan filter
- jersey (5) Apply jersey filter
- Jordan / Jordanien (6) Apply Jordan / Jordanien filter
- Kazakhstan / Kasachstan (4) Apply Kazakhstan / Kasachstan filter
- Kenya / Kenia (2) Apply Kenya / Kenia filter
- korea (3) Apply korea filter
- kuwait (1) Apply kuwait filter
- Latvia / Lettland (13) Apply Latvia / Lettland filter
- Lebanon / Libanon (9) Apply Lebanon / Libanon filter
- Libya / Libyen (9) Apply Libya / Libyen filter
- literatur (2) Apply literatur filter
- Luxembourg (3) Apply Luxembourg filter
- Macau / Macao (4) Apply Macau / Macao filter
- Macedonia / Mazedonien (1) Apply Macedonia / Mazedonien filter
- madagascar (2) Apply madagascar filter
- madeira (1) Apply madeira filter
- malawi (8) Apply malawi filter
- malaya (3) Apply malaya filter
- Maldives / Malediven (4) Apply Maldives / Malediven filter
- mali (7) Apply mali filter
- Malta (4) Apply Malta filter
- martinique (4) Apply martinique filter
- Mauritania / Mauretanien (5) Apply Mauritania / Mauretanien filter
- Mauritius (1) Apply Mauritius filter
- Mexico (4) Apply Mexico filter
- Middle East / Naher Osten (1) Apply Middle East / Naher Osten filter
- Mongolia / Mongolei (16) Apply Mongolia / Mongolei filter
- monténégro (4) Apply monténégro filter
- Morocco / Marokko (10) Apply Morocco / Marokko filter
- mozambique (3) Apply mozambique filter
- Nepal (3) Apply Nepal filter
- Netherlands / Niederlande (68) Apply Netherlands / Niederlande filter
- Netherlands Antilles / Niederländische Antillen (5) Apply Netherlands Antilles / Niederländische Antillen filter
- Netherlands Indies / Niederländisch Indien (42) Apply Netherlands Indies / Niederländisch Indien filter
- Netherlands New Guinea / Niederländisch Neu Guinea (2) Apply Netherlands New Guinea / Niederländisch Neu Guinea filter
- New Caledonia / Neu Kaledonien (11) Apply New Caledonia / Neu Kaledonien filter
- New Hebrides / Neue Hebriden (3) Apply New Hebrides / Neue Hebriden filter
- New Zealand / Neuseeland (15) Apply New Zealand / Neuseeland filter
- Newfoundland / Neufundland (5) Apply Newfoundland / Neufundland filter
- nicaragua (1) Apply nicaragua filter
- niger (1) Apply niger filter
- nigeria (2) Apply nigeria filter
- North Korea / Banknoten (3) Apply North Korea / Banknoten filter
- Northern Ireland / Nordirland (3) Apply Northern Ireland / Nordirland filter
- Norway / Norwegen (6) Apply Norway / Norwegen filter
- oman (2) Apply oman filter
- pakistan (1) Apply pakistan filter
- Panama (1) Apply Panama filter
- papua new guinea (1) Apply papua new guinea filter
- Paraguay (2) Apply Paraguay filter
- Peru (2) Apply Peru filter
- Philippines / Philippinen (1) Apply Philippines / Philippinen filter
- Poland / Polen (13) Apply Poland / Polen filter
- Portugal (6) Apply Portugal filter
- Portuguese Guinea / Portugiesisch Guinea (2) Apply Portuguese Guinea / Portugiesisch Guinea filter
- Puerto Rico (1) Apply Puerto Rico filter
- qatar (4) Apply qatar filter
- Reunión (1) Apply Reunión filter
- Rhodesia & Nyasaland (2) Apply Rhodesia & Nyasaland filter
- Rhodesia / Rhodesien (2) Apply Rhodesia / Rhodesien filter
- Romania / Rumänien (5) Apply Romania / Rumänien filter
- Russia / Russland (206) Apply Russia / Russland filter
- Rwanda / Ruanda (1) Apply Rwanda / Ruanda filter
- Rwanda-Burundi / Ruanda-Burundi (3) Apply Rwanda-Burundi / Ruanda-Burundi filter
- Saint Thomas & Prince / Sao Tome e Principe (3) Apply Saint Thomas & Prince / Sao Tome e Principe filter
- sarawak (1) Apply sarawak filter
- Saudi Arabia / Saudi Arabien (1) Apply Saudi Arabia / Saudi Arabien filter
- Scotland / Schottland (10) Apply Scotland / Schottland filter
- senegal (2) Apply senegal filter
- Serbia / Serbien (4) Apply Serbia / Serbien filter
- Seychelles / Seychellen (4) Apply Seychelles / Seychellen filter
- sierra leone (3) Apply sierra leone filter
- Singapore / Singapur (4) Apply Singapore / Singapur filter
- Slovakia / Slovakei (1) Apply Slovakia / Slovakei filter
- Slovenia / Slovenien (2) Apply Slovenia / Slovenien filter
- solomon islands (2) Apply solomon islands filter
- somalia (4) Apply somalia filter
- South Africa / Südafrika (4) Apply South Africa / Südafrika filter
- Southern Rhodesia / Süd-Rhodesien (1) Apply Southern Rhodesia / Süd-Rhodesien filter
- Spain / Spanien (12) Apply Spain / Spanien filter
- st. helena (2) Apply st. helena filter
- straits settlements (3) Apply straits settlements filter
- sudan (5) Apply sudan filter
- suriname (5) Apply suriname filter
- Sweden / Schweden (5) Apply Sweden / Schweden filter
- Switzerland / Schweiz (3) Apply Switzerland / Schweiz filter
- Syria / Syrien (4) Apply Syria / Syrien filter
- Tahiti (2) Apply Tahiti filter
- taiwan (4) Apply taiwan filter
- Tajikistan / Tadschikistan (1) Apply Tajikistan / Tadschikistan filter
- Tannu-Tuva / Tannu-Tuwa (4) Apply Tannu-Tuva / Tannu-Tuwa filter
- Tanzania / Tansania (1) Apply Tanzania / Tansania filter
- tatarstan (3) Apply tatarstan filter
- Testbanknoten (9) Apply Testbanknoten filter
- thailand (1) Apply thailand filter
- tibet (1) Apply tibet filter
- tonga (2) Apply tonga filter
- Trinidad & Tobago (1) Apply Trinidad & Tobago filter
- Tunisia / Tunisien (1) Apply Tunisia / Tunisien filter
- Turkey / Türkei (18) Apply Turkey / Türkei filter
- uganda (1) Apply uganda filter
- Ukraina / Ukraine (4) Apply Ukraina / Ukraine filter
- United Arab Emirates / Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (1) Apply United Arab Emirates / Vereinigte Arabische Emirate filter
- United States of America (25) Apply United States of America filter
- United States of America - Confederate States (3) Apply United States of America - Confederate States filter
- varia (1) Apply varia filter
- Venezuela (2) Apply Venezuela filter
- vietnam (7) Apply vietnam filter
- West African States / West-Afrikanische Staaten (2) Apply West African States / West-Afrikanische Staaten filter
- Western Samoa / West-Samoa (1) Apply Western Samoa / West-Samoa filter
- Yemen / Jemen (3) Apply Yemen / Jemen filter
- Yugoslavia / Jugoslavien (20) Apply Yugoslavia / Jugoslavien filter
- zaire (3) Apply zaire filter
- Zambia / Sambia (1) Apply Zambia / Sambia filter
Lot #8276 - China banknoten
Lot #8277 - China banknoten
China: Sinkiang Provincial Government - Finance Department Treasury, set with 4 banknotes with 400 C
Sinkiang Provincial Government - Finance Department Treasury, set with 4 banknotes with 400 Cash 1931 P.S1851 (F/F- with larger border tears), 3 Taels 1932 P.S1868 (VG), 5 Taels 1932 P.S1869 (F) and 10 Taels 1933 P.S1875 (VF). Very nice set! (4 pcs.)
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium....
Lot #8278 - China banknoten
China: Kwangtung Provincial Bank pair with 1 Dollar 1931 P.S2421d PMG 40 and 5 Dollars 1931 P.S2422d
Kwangtung Provincial Bank pair with 1 Dollar 1931 P.S2421d PMG 40 and 5 Dollars 1931 P.S2422d PMG 63. (2 pcs.)
For this lot an additional 7% for Import Expenses (Taxes) will be charged.
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Lot #8279 - China banknoten
China: Frontier Bank, Mukden 10 Cents 1929, P.S2577 in UNC condition. Very Rare!
Frontier Bank, Mukden 10 Cents 1929, P.S2577 in UNC condition. Very Rare!
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Lot #8280 - China banknoten
China: Bank of Shansi, Chahar & Hopei 500 Yuan 1946, P.S3196 in UNC condition.
Bank of Shansi, Chahar & Hopei 500 Yuan 1946, P.S3196 in UNC condition.
For this lot an additional 7% for Import Expenses (Taxes) will be charged.
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Lot #8281 - China banknoten
China: Very nice lot with 15 banknotes issued between 1928 till 1948 comprising for the HUPEH PROVIN
Very nice lot with 15 banknotes issued between 1928 till 1948 comprising for the HUPEH PROVINCIAL BANK 10 Cents 1928 P.S2101 (F), for the BANK OF CHINA 5 Yuan 1931 P.70a (F-), 5 Yuan 1937 P.80 (F), 5 and 10 Yuan 1940 P.84, 85a(F), for the BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS 10 Yuan 1935 P.155 (F+) and for the CENTRAL BANK OF CHINA 5 Cents 1939 P.225b...
Lot #8282 - China banknoten
China: Bank of Communications 10 Yuan 1914 TIENTSIN branch, like P.118 but in red instead of purple
Bank of Communications 10 Yuan 1914 TIENTSIN branch, like P.118 but in red instead of purple color, P.NL, almost well worn with tiny margin splits, folds and larger stains. Condition: F-
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Lot #8283 - China banknoten
China: Chip Yah Bank 5 Dollars 1914, SWATOW branch, P.NL in UNC condition
Chip Yah Bank 5 Dollars 1914, SWATOW branch, P.NL in UNC condition
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Lot #8284 - China banknoten
China: Small lot with 2 coupons, one of the bond of the imperial Chinese Tientsin-Pukow State Railwa
Small lot with 2 coupons, one of the bond of the imperial Chinese Tientsin-Pukow State Railway of £ 0.10 dated 1926 and second one of the bond of the Imperial Chinese Government of £ 0.10 dated 1933, both in about VF condition. (2 pcs.)
This lot is "Gebotslos". The Minimum Bid is 20 €, it will be sold at the HIGHEST BID (not one...
Lot #8285 - Colombia / Kolumbien banknoten
Colombia / Kolumbien: Banco Nacional de la República de Colombia 5 Pesos 1895, P.235, great conditio
Banco Nacional de la República de Colombia 5 Pesos 1895, P.235, great condition for the age of the note, just a number of folds and creases and lightly stained paper. Condition: F+
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Lot #8286 - Colombia / Kolumbien banknoten
Colombia / Kolumbien: Banco Nacional de la República de Colombia 10 Pesos 1895, P.236, great conditi
Banco Nacional de la República de Colombia 10 Pesos 1895, P.236, great condition without larger damages, just lightly toned and several folds. Condition: F+
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Lot #8287 - Colombia / Kolumbien banknoten
Colombia / Kolumbien: Banco Nacional de la República de Colombia 25 Pesos 1895, P.237, almost well w
Banco Nacional de la República de Colombia 25 Pesos 1895, P.237, almost well worn with small border tears, but still rare. Condition: F-
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Lot #8288 - Colombia / Kolumbien banknoten
Colombia / Kolumbien: Banco Nacional de la República de Colombia 50 Pesos 1919, P.279, still nice wi
Banco Nacional de la República de Colombia 50 Pesos 1919, P.279, still nice with a few rusty spots and minor margin splits. Condition: F. Very Rare!
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Lot #8289 - Colombia / Kolumbien banknoten
Colombia / Kolumbien: Banco Nacional de la República de Colombia 50 Pesos 1900, P.279, almost perfec
Banco Nacional de la República de Colombia 50 Pesos 1900, P.279, almost perfect without stronger folds, just a soft diagonal bend and tiny border tear at lower right. Condition: XF
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Lot #8290 - Colombia / Kolumbien banknoten
Colombia / Kolumbien: Republica de Colombia pair with 25 Pesos 1904 P.313 (F/F+) and 1/2 Peso 1948 P
Republica de Colombia pair with 25 Pesos 1904 P.313 (F/F+) and 1/2 Peso 1948 P.345a (XF). (2 pcs.)
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Lot #8291 - Colombia / Kolumbien banknoten
Colombia / Kolumbien: Republica de Colombia 50 Pesos 1904, P.314, cut borders, small missing part at
Republica de Colombia 50 Pesos 1904, P.314, cut borders, small missing part at upper right and small tears at center. Condition: VG/F-
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Lot #8292 - Colombia / Kolumbien banknoten
Colombia / Kolumbien: El Banco de Pamplona 10 Pesos 1884, P.S713, seldom offered regional issue, sti
El Banco de Pamplona 10 Pesos 1884, P.S713, seldom offered regional issue, still nice with lightly toned paper and tiny tear at upper and lower margin. Condition: F+. Rare!
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Lot #8293 - Congo / Kongo banknoten
Congo / Kongo: Republic of Congo 1000 Francs 1962 with overprint Conseil Monétaire de la République
Republic of Congo 1000 Francs 1962 with overprint Conseil Monétaire de la République du Congo on Belgian Congo #29, P.2, tiny traces of foreign substance at left border on back, otherwise unfolded and perfect, Condition: aUNC/UNC. Rare!
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Lot #8294 - Congo / Kongo banknoten
Congo / Kongo: Conseil Monétaire de la République du Congo 1000 Francs 1962, P.2, still intact with
Conseil Monétaire de la République du Congo 1000 Francs 1962, P.2, still intact with lightly toned paper and several folds. Condition: F. rare!
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Lot #8295 - Congo / Kongo banknoten
Congo / Kongo: Banque Centrale des États del'Afrique Centrale - République Populaire du Congo 500 Fr
Banque Centrale des États del'Afrique Centrale - République Populaire du Congo 500 Francs ND(1974), P.2a, great original shape with tiny spot at left border, PMG graded 64 Choice Uncirculated.
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Lot #8296 - Congo / Kongo banknoten
Congo / Kongo: Banque Centrale des États del'Afrique Centrale - République Populaire du Congo 1000 F
Banque Centrale des États del'Afrique Centrale - République Populaire du Congo 1000 Francs ND(1970's), P.3c, two tiny pinholes at upper left and soft vertical bend at center. Condition: XF.
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Lot #8297 - Congo / Kongo banknoten
Congo / Kongo: République Populaire du Congo 10.000 Francs ND(1974-81), P.5a, still nice and rare no
République Populaire du Congo 10.000 Francs ND(1974-81), P.5a, still nice and rare note with lightly stained paper, some folds and a number of pinholes at center. Condition: F
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Lot #8298 - Congo / Kongo banknoten
Congo / Kongo: Banque Centrale des États del'Afrique Centrale - République Populaire du Congo 5000 F
Banque Centrale des États del'Afrique Centrale - République Populaire du Congo 5000 Francs ND(1980's), P.6a in UNC condition.
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Lot #8299 - Congo / Kongo banknoten
Congo / Kongo: Banque Central du Congo - Zaire front and back composite essay for 100 Francs 1960 wi
Banque Central du Congo - Zaire front and back composite essay for 100 Francs 1960 without signature, serial number 000000, P.NL, both uniface on cardboard, both halves stick together, Condition: UNC. Highly Rare!
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #8300 - Costa Rica banknoten
Costa Rica: 1 Colon ND(1905-06) SPECIMEN, P.142s with hand stamped date July 1903 at upper part of t
1 Colon ND(1905-06) SPECIMEN, P.142s with hand stamped date July 1903 at upper part of the paper sheet in excellent condition with tiny creases in the paper. PMG graded 53 About Uncirculated
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Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG is an established dealer in Germany. For many years the company published direct sale list of stamps and covers from all the world. In 2006 they... Read More
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