Finland / Finnland: 100 Markkaa 1898, P.7c, still nice and rare banknote, tiny border tears, lightly
100 Markkaa 1898, P.7c, still nice and rare banknote, tiny border tears, lightly stained and small holes at center. Condition: F/F-. Very Rare!
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Sale #48 The Banknotes
By: Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #48 The Banknotes
Versteigerungsfolge – Auction Schedule
MONTAG, 12. OKTOBER 2020 – Monday, 12 October 2020
EINZELLOSE & SAMMLUNGEN – Single lots & collections
9.30 Uhr BANKNOTEN ALLE WELT 1 - 1.168
9.30 am Banknotes Worldwide
Banknotes Germany
DIENSTAG, 13. OKTOBER 2020 – Tuesday, 13 October 2020
EINZELLOSE & SAMMLUNGEN – single lots & collections
9.30 am International Numismatics / Coins
16.00 Uhr ANSICHTSKARTEN 3.000 - 4.710
4.00 pm Picture Postcards
MITTWOCH, 14. OKTOBER 2020 – Wednesday, 14 October 2020
EINZELLOSE –singlelots
9.30 Uhr ASIEN 5.000 - 6.064
9.30 am Asia
THEMATIK 6.065 - 6.923
ÜBERSEE 7.000 - 7.892
Airmail / Ship mail
11.30 Uhr EUROPA 8.200 - 10.208
11.30 am Europe
14.00 Uhr ALTDEUTSCHLAND 10.300 - 10.717
2.00 pm German States
DEUTSCHES REICH 10.718 - 11.367
German Reich
DEUTSCHLAND NACH 1945 11.900 - 12.695
Germany after 1945
DONNERSTAG, 15. OKTOBER 2020 – Thursday, 15 October 2020
AUSLANDSPOSTÄMTER & KOLONIEN - SUDETENLAND 11.368 - 11.853 DT. BESETZUNG WK II - KZ- & LAGERPOST German Foreign PO ́s & Colonies - Sudetenland German Occupation WW II - Camp Mail
SAMMLUNGEN – collections
9.30 Uhr ÜBERSEE 12.700 - 15.138
9.30 am Overseas
FLUGPOST / SCHIFFSPOST 15.139 - 15.205
Airmail / Ship mail
THEMATIK 15.300 - 16.268
14.00 Uhr EUROPA 16.300 - 19.587
2.00 pm Europe
FREITAG, 16. OKTOBER 2020 – Friday, 16 October 2020
SAMMLUNGEN – collections
9.30 Uhr
9.30 am
13.00 Uhr
1.00 pm
Estates, supplement
Germany before 1945
Germany after 1945
19.600 - 19.985 20.100 - 21.089 21.100 - 21.748
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In philately you can discover something new every day ...
Sale Terms
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- Afghanistan | Banknoten (10) Apply Afghanistan | Banknoten filter
- Africa / Afrika | Banknoten (3) Apply Africa / Afrika | Banknoten filter
- Albania / Albanien | Banknoten (1) Apply Albania / Albanien | Banknoten filter
- Algeria / Algerien | Banknoten (1) Apply Algeria / Algerien | Banknoten filter
- Alle Welt | Banknoten (15) Apply Alle Welt | Banknoten filter
- Andorra | Banknoten (1) Apply Andorra | Banknoten filter
- Angola | Banknoten (6) Apply Angola | Banknoten filter
- Argentina / Argentinien | Banknoten (11) Apply Argentina / Argentinien | Banknoten filter
- Armenia / Armenien | Banknoten (2) Apply Armenia / Armenien | Banknoten filter
- Asia / Asien | Banknoten (2) Apply Asia / Asien | Banknoten filter
- Australia / Australien | Banknoten (1) Apply Australia / Australien | Banknoten filter
- Austria / Österreich | Banknoten (34) Apply Austria / Österreich | Banknoten filter
- Azores / Azoren | Banknoten (1) Apply Azores / Azoren | Banknoten filter
- Bahamas | Banknoten (3) Apply Bahamas | Banknoten filter
- Bahrain | Banknoten (1) Apply Bahrain | Banknoten filter
- Belarus | Banknoten (2) Apply Belarus | Banknoten filter
- Belgium / Belgien | Banknoten (2) Apply Belgium / Belgien | Banknoten filter
- Belize | Banknoten (1) Apply Belize | Banknoten filter
- Bermuda | Banknoten (1) Apply Bermuda | Banknoten filter
- Bhutan | Banknoten (1) Apply Bhutan | Banknoten filter
- Bolivia / Bolivien | Banknoten (6) Apply Bolivia / Bolivien | Banknoten filter
- Bosnia & Herzegovina / Bosnien & Herzegovina | Banknoten (3) Apply Bosnia & Herzegovina / Bosnien & Herzegovina | Banknoten filter
- Brazil / Brasilien | Banknoten (11) Apply Brazil / Brasilien | Banknoten filter
- British Guiana / Britisch Guayana | Banknoten (1) Apply British Guiana / Britisch Guayana | Banknoten filter
- British Honduras | Banknoten (1) Apply British Honduras | Banknoten filter
- British North Borneo | Banknoten (2) Apply British North Borneo | Banknoten filter
- British West Africa | Banknoten (1) Apply British West Africa | Banknoten filter
- Brunei | Banknoten (2) Apply Brunei | Banknoten filter
- Bulgaria / Bulgarien | Banknoten (7) Apply Bulgaria / Bulgarien | Banknoten filter
- Burma / Myanmar / Birma | Banknoten (5) Apply Burma / Myanmar / Birma | Banknoten filter
- Burundi | Banknoten (5) Apply Burundi | Banknoten filter
- Cambodia / Kambodscha | Banknoten (3) Apply Cambodia / Kambodscha | Banknoten filter
- Cameroon / Kamerun | Banknoten (3) Apply Cameroon / Kamerun | Banknoten filter
- Canada | Banknoten (6) Apply Canada | Banknoten filter
- Cape Verde / Kap Verde | Banknoten (2) Apply Cape Verde / Kap Verde | Banknoten filter
- Cayman Islands | Banknoten (1) Apply Cayman Islands | Banknoten filter
- Ceylon | Banknoten (9) Apply Ceylon | Banknoten filter
- Chile | Banknoten (3) Apply Chile | Banknoten filter
- China | Banknoten (22) Apply China | Banknoten filter
- Colombia / Kolumbien | Banknoten (8) Apply Colombia / Kolumbien | Banknoten filter
- Congo / Kongo | Banknoten (5) Apply Congo / Kongo | Banknoten filter
- Cook Islands | Banknoten (1) Apply Cook Islands | Banknoten filter
- Costa Rica | Banknoten (4) Apply Costa Rica | Banknoten filter
- Croatia / Kroatien | Banknoten (1) Apply Croatia / Kroatien | Banknoten filter
- Cyprus / Zypern | Banknoten (8) Apply Cyprus / Zypern | Banknoten filter
- Czechoslovakia / Tschechoslowakei | Banknoten (1) Apply Czechoslovakia / Tschechoslowakei | Banknoten filter
- Danish West Indies / Dänisch Westindien| Banknoten (1) Apply Danish West Indies / Dänisch Westindien| Banknoten filter
- Denmark / Dänemark | Banknoten (1) Apply Denmark / Dänemark | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Alliierte Militärbehörde + Ausgaben 1945-1948 | Banknoten (7) Apply Deutschland - Alliierte Militärbehörde + Ausgaben 1945-1948 | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Altdeutsche Staaten | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Altdeutsche Staaten | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Bank Deutscher Länder + Bundesrepublik Deutschland | Banknoten (56) Apply Deutschland - Bank Deutscher Länder + Bundesrepublik Deutschland | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Briefmarkennotgeld | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Briefmarkennotgeld | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - DDR | Banknoten (15) Apply Deutschland - DDR | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Deutsches Reich bis 1945 | Banknoten (106) Apply Deutschland - Deutsches Reich bis 1945 | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Kolonien | Banknoten (3) Apply Deutschland - Kolonien | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Konzentrations- und Kriegsgefangenenlager | Banknoten (3) Apply Deutschland - Konzentrations- und Kriegsgefangenenlager | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Länderscheine | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Länderscheine | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Nebengebiete Deutsches Reich | Banknoten (16) Apply Deutschland - Nebengebiete Deutsches Reich | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Baden | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Baden | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Bayern | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Bayern | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Berlin und Brandenburg | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Berlin und Brandenburg | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Ehemalige Ostgebiete | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Ehemalige Ostgebiete | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Pfalz | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Pfalz | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Rheinland | Banknoten (2) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Rheinland | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Schleswig-Holstein | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Schleswig-Holstein | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Thüringen | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Thüringen | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Westfalen | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Westfalen | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Württemberg | Banknoten (6) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Württemberg | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld besonderer Art | Banknoten (2) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld besonderer Art | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld | Banknoten (8) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Reichsbahn / Reichspost | Banknoten (82) Apply Deutschland - Reichsbahn / Reichspost | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Sonstige | Banknoten (5) Apply Deutschland - Sonstige | Banknoten filter
- Djibouti / Dschibuti | Banknoten (6) Apply Djibouti / Dschibuti | Banknoten filter
- Dominican Republic / Dominikanische Republik | Banknoten (5) Apply Dominican Republic / Dominikanische Republik | Banknoten filter
- East Africa / Ost-Afrika| Banknoten (10) Apply East Africa / Ost-Afrika| Banknoten filter
- Ecuador | Banknoten (2) Apply Ecuador | Banknoten filter
- Egypt / Ägypten | Banknoten (37) Apply Egypt / Ägypten | Banknoten filter
- El Salvador | Banknoten (3) Apply El Salvador | Banknoten filter
- Estonia / Estland | Banknoten (2) Apply Estonia / Estland | Banknoten filter
- Ethiopia / Äthiopien | Banknoten (5) Apply Ethiopia / Äthiopien | Banknoten filter
- Europa | Banknoten (4) Apply Europa | Banknoten filter
- Faeroe Islands / Färöer | Banknoten (1) Apply Faeroe Islands / Färöer | Banknoten filter
- Falkland Islands / Falkland Inseln | Banknoten (2) Apply Falkland Islands / Falkland Inseln | Banknoten filter
- Fiji | Banknoten (6) Apply Fiji | Banknoten filter
- Finland / Finnland | Banknoten (12) Apply Finland / Finnland | Banknoten filter
- France / Frankreich | Banknoten (72) Apply France / Frankreich | Banknoten filter
- French Antilles / Französische Antillen | Banknoten (4) Apply French Antilles / Französische Antillen | Banknoten filter
- French Equatorial Africa / Französisch-Äquatorialafrika | Banknoten (5) Apply French Equatorial Africa / Französisch-Äquatorialafrika | Banknoten filter
- French Indochina / Französisch Indochina | Banknoten (6) Apply French Indochina / Französisch Indochina | Banknoten filter
- French Somaliland / Französisch Somaliland | Banknoten (4) Apply French Somaliland / Französisch Somaliland | Banknoten filter
- French West Africa / Französisch Westafrika | Banknoten (5) Apply French West Africa / Französisch Westafrika | Banknoten filter
- Gabon / Gabun | Banknoten (1) Apply Gabon / Gabun | Banknoten filter
- Gambia | Banknoten (2) Apply Gambia | Banknoten filter
- Georgia / Georgien | Banknoten (1) Apply Georgia / Georgien | Banknoten filter
- Ghana | Banknoten (2) Apply Ghana | Banknoten filter
- Gibraltar | Banknoten (2) Apply Gibraltar | Banknoten filter
- Great Britain / Großbritannien | Banknoten (8) Apply Great Britain / Großbritannien | Banknoten filter
- Greece / Griechenland | Banknoten (4) Apply Greece / Griechenland | Banknoten filter
- Guatemala | Banknoten (4) Apply Guatemala | Banknoten filter
- Guernsey | Banknoten (2) Apply Guernsey | Banknoten filter
- Haiti | Banknoten (1) Apply Haiti | Banknoten filter
- Honduras | Banknoten (2) Apply Honduras | Banknoten filter
- Hong Kong | Banknoten (3) Apply Hong Kong | Banknoten filter
- Hungary / Ungarn | Banknoten (19) Apply Hungary / Ungarn | Banknoten filter
- Iceland / Island | Banknoten (3) Apply Iceland / Island | Banknoten filter
- India / Indien | Banknoten (18) Apply India / Indien | Banknoten filter
- Iran | Banknoten (41) Apply Iran | Banknoten filter
- Iraq / Irak | Banknoten (1) Apply Iraq / Irak | Banknoten filter
- Ireland / Irland | Banknoten (1) Apply Ireland / Irland | Banknoten filter
- Israel | Banknoten (3) Apply Israel | Banknoten filter
- Italy / Italien | Banknoten (24) Apply Italy / Italien | Banknoten filter
- Jamaica | Banknoten (1) Apply Jamaica | Banknoten filter
- Japan | Banknoten (10) Apply Japan | Banknoten filter
- Jersey | Banknoten (1) Apply Jersey | Banknoten filter
- Jordan / Jordanien | Banknoten (4) Apply Jordan / Jordanien | Banknoten filter
- Kazakhstan / Kasachstan | Banknoten (3) Apply Kazakhstan / Kasachstan | Banknoten filter
- Kenya / Kenia | Banknoten (2) Apply Kenya / Kenia | Banknoten filter
- Korea | Banknoten (3) Apply Korea | Banknoten filter
- Kuwait | Banknoten (1) Apply Kuwait | Banknoten filter
- Latvia / Lettland | Banknoten (10) Apply Latvia / Lettland | Banknoten filter
- Lebanon / Libanon | Banknoten (5) Apply Lebanon / Libanon | Banknoten filter
- Libya / Libyen | Banknoten (2) Apply Libya / Libyen | Banknoten filter
- Macau / Macao | Banknoten (1) Apply Macau / Macao | Banknoten filter
- Macedonia / Mazedonien | Banknoten (1) Apply Macedonia / Mazedonien | Banknoten filter
- Madeira | Banknoten (1) Apply Madeira | Banknoten filter
- Malawi | Banknoten (4) Apply Malawi | Banknoten filter
- Maldives / Malediven | Banknoten (2) Apply Maldives / Malediven | Banknoten filter
- Mali | Banknoten (4) Apply Mali | Banknoten filter
- Malta | Banknoten (3) Apply Malta | Banknoten filter
- Martinique | Banknoten (4) Apply Martinique | Banknoten filter
- Mauritania / Mauretanien | Banknoten (4) Apply Mauritania / Mauretanien | Banknoten filter
- Mexico | Banknoten (5) Apply Mexico | Banknoten filter
- Middle East / Naher Osten | Banknoten (1) Apply Middle East / Naher Osten | Banknoten filter
- Mongolia / Mongolei | Banknoten (7) Apply Mongolia / Mongolei | Banknoten filter
- Montenegro | Banknoten (3) Apply Montenegro | Banknoten filter
- Morocco / Marokko | Banknoten (5) Apply Morocco / Marokko | Banknoten filter
- Mozambique | Banknoten (2) Apply Mozambique | Banknoten filter
- Netherlands / Niederlande | Banknoten (2) Apply Netherlands / Niederlande | Banknoten filter
- Netherlands Antilles / Niederländische Antillen| Banknoten (1) Apply Netherlands Antilles / Niederländische Antillen| Banknoten filter
- Netherlands Indies / Niederländisch Indien | Banknoten (2) Apply Netherlands Indies / Niederländisch Indien | Banknoten filter
- Netherlands New Guinea / Niederländisch Neu Guinea | Banknoten (2) Apply Netherlands New Guinea / Niederländisch Neu Guinea | Banknoten filter
- New Caledonia / Neu Kaledonien | Banknoten (1) Apply New Caledonia / Neu Kaledonien | Banknoten filter
- New Hebrides / Neue Hebriden | Banknoten (2) Apply New Hebrides / Neue Hebriden | Banknoten filter
- New Zealand / Neuseeland | Banknoten (4) Apply New Zealand / Neuseeland | Banknoten filter
- Newfoundland / Neufundland | Banknoten (1) Apply Newfoundland / Neufundland | Banknoten filter
- Nicaragua | Banknoten (1) Apply Nicaragua | Banknoten filter
- North Korea / Banknoten (6) Apply North Korea / Banknoten filter
- Northern Ireland / Nordirland | Banknoten (2) Apply Northern Ireland / Nordirland | Banknoten filter
- Norway / Norwegen | Banknoten (11) Apply Norway / Norwegen | Banknoten filter
- Oman | Banknoten (1) Apply Oman | Banknoten filter
- Pakistan | Banknoten (14) Apply Pakistan | Banknoten filter
- Papua New Guinea | Banknoten (1) Apply Papua New Guinea | Banknoten filter
- Paraguay | Banknoten (2) Apply Paraguay | Banknoten filter
- Peru | Banknoten (1) Apply Peru | Banknoten filter
- Philippines / Philippinen | Banknoten (3) Apply Philippines / Philippinen | Banknoten filter
- Poland / Polen | Banknoten (15) Apply Poland / Polen | Banknoten filter
- Portugal | Banknoten (3) Apply Portugal | Banknoten filter
- Qatar | Banknoten (1) Apply Qatar | Banknoten filter
- Rhodesia & Nyasaland | Banknoten (1) Apply Rhodesia & Nyasaland | Banknoten filter
- Rhodesia / Rhodesien | Banknoten (1) Apply Rhodesia / Rhodesien | Banknoten filter
- Romania / Rumänien | Banknoten (6) Apply Romania / Rumänien | Banknoten filter
- Russia / Russland | Banknoten (219) Apply Russia / Russland | Banknoten filter
- Russia regional issues | Banknoten (1) Apply Russia regional issues | Banknoten filter
- Rwanda / Ruanda | Banknoten (1) Apply Rwanda / Ruanda | Banknoten filter
- Saint Pierre & Miquelon | Banknoten (1) Apply Saint Pierre & Miquelon | Banknoten filter
- Saint Thomas & Prince / Sao Tome e Principe | Banknoten (2) Apply Saint Thomas & Prince / Sao Tome e Principe | Banknoten filter
- Saudi Arabia / Saudi Arabien | Banknoten (3) Apply Saudi Arabia / Saudi Arabien | Banknoten filter
- Scotland / Schottland | Banknoten (6) Apply Scotland / Schottland | Banknoten filter
- Senegal | Banknoten (1) Apply Senegal | Banknoten filter
- Serbia / Serbien | Banknoten (5) Apply Serbia / Serbien | Banknoten filter
- Seychelles / Seychellen | Banknoten (1) Apply Seychelles / Seychellen | Banknoten filter
- Sierra Leone | Banknoten (2) Apply Sierra Leone | Banknoten filter
- Singapore / Singapur | Banknoten (1) Apply Singapore / Singapur | Banknoten filter
- Slovakia / Slovakei | Banknoten (3) Apply Slovakia / Slovakei | Banknoten filter
- Slovenia / Slovenien | Banknoten (1) Apply Slovenia / Slovenien | Banknoten filter
- Somalia | Banknoten (2) Apply Somalia | Banknoten filter
- South Africa / Südafrika | Banknoten (2) Apply South Africa / Südafrika | Banknoten filter
- Spain / Spanien | Banknoten (12) Apply Spain / Spanien | Banknoten filter
- St. Helena | Banknoten (2) Apply St. Helena | Banknoten filter
- Straits Settlements | Banknoten (2) Apply Straits Settlements | Banknoten filter
- Sudan | Banknoten (4) Apply Sudan | Banknoten filter
- Suriname | Banknoten (1) Apply Suriname | Banknoten filter
- Sweden / Schweden | Banknoten (6) Apply Sweden / Schweden | Banknoten filter
- Switzerland / Schweiz | Banknoten (4) Apply Switzerland / Schweiz | Banknoten filter
- Syria / Syrien | Banknoten (3) Apply Syria / Syrien | Banknoten filter
- Taiwan | Banknoten (2) Apply Taiwan | Banknoten filter
- Tajikistan / Tadschikistan | Banknoten (1) Apply Tajikistan / Tadschikistan | Banknoten filter
- Tannu-Tuva / Tannu-Tuwa | Banknoten (1) Apply Tannu-Tuva / Tannu-Tuwa | Banknoten filter
- Tanzania / Tansania | Banknoten (2) Apply Tanzania / Tansania | Banknoten filter
- Tatarstan | Banknoten (1) Apply Tatarstan | Banknoten filter
- Testbanknoten | Banknoten (6) Apply Testbanknoten | Banknoten filter
- Tonga | Banknoten (1) Apply Tonga | Banknoten filter
- Trinidad & Tobago | Banknoten (2) Apply Trinidad & Tobago | Banknoten filter
- Tunisia / Tunisien | Banknoten (2) Apply Tunisia / Tunisien | Banknoten filter
- Turkey / Türkei | Banknoten (18) Apply Turkey / Türkei | Banknoten filter
- Turkmenistan | Banknoten (1) Apply Turkmenistan | Banknoten filter
- Uganda | Banknoten (2) Apply Uganda | Banknoten filter
- Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten (11) Apply Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten filter
- United Arab Emirates / Vereinigte Arabische Emirate | Banknoten (1) Apply United Arab Emirates / Vereinigte Arabische Emirate | Banknoten filter
- United States of America | Banknoten (21) Apply United States of America | Banknoten filter
- Uzbekistan / Usbekistan | Banknoten (1) Apply Uzbekistan / Usbekistan | Banknoten filter
- Venezuela | Banknoten (2) Apply Venezuela | Banknoten filter
- Vietnam | Banknoten (1) Apply Vietnam | Banknoten filter
- West African States / West-Afrikanische Staaten | Banknoten (2) Apply West African States / West-Afrikanische Staaten | Banknoten filter
- Western Samoa / West-Samoa | Banknoten (1) Apply Western Samoa / West-Samoa | Banknoten filter
- Yemen / Jemen | Banknoten (3) Apply Yemen / Jemen | Banknoten filter
- Yugoslavia / Jugoslavien | Banknoten (13) Apply Yugoslavia / Jugoslavien | Banknoten filter
- Zaire | Banknoten (2) Apply Zaire | Banknoten filter
- Zambia / Sambia | Banknoten (2) Apply Zambia / Sambia | Banknoten filter
Lot #251 - Finland / Finnland | Banknoten
Lot #252 - Finland / Finnland | Banknoten
Finland / Finnland: 500 Markkaa 1909, P.23 with star hole cancellation and several stamps "VÄÄRÄ" (c
500 Markkaa 1909, P.23 with star hole cancellation and several stamps "VÄÄRÄ" (cancelled) on the note. Condition: F/F+
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Lot #253 - Finland / Finnland | Banknoten
Finland / Finnland: 500 Markkaa 1922, Litt. C, P.66a, still nice note with small border tears, some
500 Markkaa 1922, Litt. C, P.66a, still nice note with small border tears, some folds and a few minor spots. Condition: F+/VF
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Lot #254 - Finland / Finnland | Banknoten
Finland / Finnland: 500 Markkaa 1945, Litt. A, P.81a, beautiful note with tiny border tears at left
500 Markkaa 1945, Litt. A, P.81a, beautiful note with tiny border tears at left and right, some folds and tiny hole at center. Condition: F+/VF
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Lot #255 - Finland / Finnland | Banknoten
Finland / Finnland: 1000 Markkaa 1945, Litt. A, P.82a, great condition with two stronger folds at ce
1000 Markkaa 1945, Litt. A, P.82a, great condition with two stronger folds at center and a 1 cm tear at right border. Condition: F+/VF
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Lot #256 - Finland / Finnland | Banknoten
Finland / Finnland: Pair with 100 Markkaa 1945 Litt.B, P.88 (VF) and 500 Markkaa 1975 P.110 (VF). (2
Pair with 100 Markkaa 1945 Litt.B, P.88 (VF) and 500 Markkaa 1975 P.110 (VF). (2 pcs.)
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Lot #257 - Finland / Finnland | Banknoten
Finland / Finnland: 1000 Markkaa 1945, Litt. B, P.90, great original shape with crisp paper, just a
1000 Markkaa 1945, Litt. B, P.90, great original shape with crisp paper, just a few stronger folds. Condition: VF+
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Lot #258 - Finland / Finnland | Banknoten
Finland / Finnland: Suomen Pankki / Finlands Bank 500 Markkaa 1986 with signatures: Lindblom and Koi
Suomen Pankki / Finlands Bank 500 Markkaa 1986 with signatures: Lindblom and Koivikko SPECIMEN, P.116s with serial number 0000000000 and perforation "Specimen" at center in perfect UNC condition. Very rare and hard to get Specimen note!
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Lot #259 - France / Frankreich | Banknoten
France / Frankreich: Domaines Nationaux 50 Livres Assignat of the September 29th 1790 issue, P.A34,
Domaines Nationaux 50 Livres Assignat of the September 29th 1790 issue, P.A34, still great condition with minor margin splits, lightly stained paper and tiny hole at center, Condition: F+/VF.
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Lot #260 - France / Frankreich | Banknoten
France / Frankreich: Domaines Nationaux 60 Livres Assignat of the September 29th 1790 issue, P.A35,
Domaines Nationaux 60 Livres Assignat of the September 29th 1790 issue, P.A35, small missing parts at upper and lower left and upper right and small staple hole at left, Condition: F. Rare!
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Lot #261 - France / Frankreich | Banknoten
France / Frankreich: Domaines Nationaux pair of the 50 Livres Assignat June 19th 1791 issue, P.A43 w
Domaines Nationaux pair of the 50 Livres Assignat June 19th 1791 issue, P.A43 with different cashier signatures, one with small repairs and taped tears and the second one with margin splits and tiny holes at center, Condition: VG to F. (2 pcs.)
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Lot #262 - France / Frankreich | Banknoten
France / Frankreich: Domaines Nationaux 60 Livres Assignat of the June 19th 1791 issue, P.A44, still
Domaines Nationaux 60 Livres Assignat of the June 19th 1791 issue, P.A44, still nice with small traces of tape on back and a few tiny tears at center, Condition: F+/VF. Rare!
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Lot #263 - France / Frankreich | Banknoten
France / Frankreich: Domaines Nationaux pair of the 100 Livres Assignat June 19th 1791 issue, P.A44A
Domaines Nationaux pair of the 100 Livres Assignat June 19th 1791 issue, P.A44A with different cashier signatures, one with a number of larger tears and tiny holes due to ink corrosion and the second one with lightly toned paper and tiny pinholes at center, Condition: G/VG and F+. (2 pcs.) Rare!
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Lot #264 - France / Frankreich | Banknoten
France / Frankreich: Domaines Nationaux 50 Livres Assignat of the April 30th 1792 issue, P.A58, very
Domaines Nationaux 50 Livres Assignat of the April 30th 1792 issue, P.A58, very nice condition without larger damages and strong paper, just a few folds and minor spots, Condition: VF.
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Lot #265 - France / Frankreich | Banknoten
France / Frankreich: Domaines Nationaux 200 Livres Assignat of the April 30th 1792 issue, P.A59, hig
Domaines Nationaux 200 Livres Assignat of the April 30th 1792 issue, P.A59, highest denomination of this series, small rusty holes due to ink corrosion caused by the handwritten text on back, otherwise nice with a few minor spots, Condition: F/F+. Rare!
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Lot #266 - France / Frankreich | Banknoten
France / Frankreich: République Française 50 Livres Assignat of the December 14th 1792 issue, P.A72,
République Française 50 Livres Assignat of the December 14th 1792 issue, P.A72, almost perfect condition with great embossing and strong paper, just a few soft folds and minor spots, Condition: XF/aUNC.
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Lot #267 - France / Frankreich | Banknoten
France / Frankreich: République Française pair of the 50 Livres Assignat of the December 14th 1792 i
République Française pair of the 50 Livres Assignat of the December 14th 1792 issue, P.A72, one with traces of glue on back and the other one with small border tears and several folds, Condition: F+/XF. (2 pcs.)
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Lot #268 - France / Frankreich | Banknoten
France / Frankreich: République Française set with 3 banknotes 50 Livres Assignat of the December 14
République Française set with 3 banknotes 50 Livres Assignat of the December 14th 1792 issue, P.A72, one with tiny holes at left border (VF), one with missing part at left otherwise F and the last one with toned paper and small missing parts at left border, Condition: F-/F/VF. (3 pcs.)
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Lot #269 - France / Frankreich | Banknoten
France / Frankreich: République Française 400 Livres Assignat November (9 bre) 21st 1792, P.A73, hig
République Française 400 Livres Assignat November (9 bre) 21st 1792, P.A73, high denomination in still great condition with strong paper, some folds and traces of glue on back, Condition: VF.
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Lot #270 - France / Frankreich | Banknoten
France / Frankreich: République Française pair of the 250 Livres Assignat, dated September 28th 1793
République Française pair of the 250 Livres Assignat, dated September 28th 1793, P.A75, both in still nice condition with lightly toned paper, some minor spots and several pinholes, Condition: VF-/VF. (2 pcs.)
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Lot #271 - France / Frankreich | Banknoten
France / Frankreich: République Française 500 Francs Assignat February 08th 1794, P.A77, great condi
République Française 500 Francs Assignat February 08th 1794, P.A77, great condition with wide margin, just some folds and a few minor spots, Condition: VF.
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Lot #272 - France / Frankreich | Banknoten
France / Frankreich: République Française pair of the 1000 Francs Assignat January 7th 1795, P.A80,
République Française pair of the 1000 Francs Assignat January 7th 1795, P.A80, one with cut margin, second one in original size but with toned paper and some spots, Condition: VF. (2 pcs.)
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Lot #273 - France / Frankreich | Banknoten
France / Frankreich: République Française pair of the 2000 Francs Assignat January 7th 1795, P.A81,
République Française pair of the 2000 Francs Assignat January 7th 1795, P.A81, one with tiny rusty holes due to ink corrosion, Condition: F/VF. (2 pcs.)
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Lot #274 - France / Frankreich | Banknoten
France / Frankreich: République Française 10.000 Francs Assignat January 7th 1795, P.A82, great cond
République Française 10.000 Francs Assignat January 7th 1795, P.A82, great condition with wide margins, just some folds and small holes outside the frame of the note, Condition: VF.
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Lot #275 - France / Frankreich | Banknoten
France / Frankreich: Set of 2 notes Mandat Territorial 25 and 100 Francs 1796 P. A83 and A84, the fi
Set of 2 notes Mandat Territorial 25 and 100 Francs 1796 P. A83 and A84, the first one in VF+, the second one in F condition. (2 pcs)
This lot is "Gebotslos". The Minimum Bid is 20 €, it will be sold at the HIGHEST BID (not one bidding step above the second highest bid).
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Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG is an established dealer in Germany. For many years the company published direct sale list of stamps and covers from all the world. In 2006 they... Read More
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