
Americana Stamps

lot # 3002 - US Stampless

Sunday Jan 05, 2025 10:00 America/Los_Angeles

Folded letter from Boston to Newport, datelined 22 July 1750, addressed to Samuel Vernon, rated "2/6"
According to the 2004 Ed and Jean Siskin exhibit "United States Postal History Before the United States Post Office," "Starting about 1690, Massachusetts began issuing one of the world's first paper currency called Massachusetts Old Tenor. Some other New England Colonies followed Massachusetts' lead. Its value was initially pegged at 3/4ths Sterling. Although subsequent currencies replaced the Old Tenor, it remained the currency of accounts until generally phased out in the mid-1750s. Starting about 1723, significant devaluation of Old Tenor occurred."
The rate for the distance from Boston to Newport was 4 pence. Applying the inflation actor of 7.5 applicable in 1750 produces 30 pence which equals 2 shillings 6 pence. There was no additional charge for a carrier fee.
The addressee of this letter, Samuel Vernon, was a prominent Newport silversmith and merchant in the 18th century, known for both his exquisite silver craftsmanship and involvement in the transatlantic slave trade. His business dealings extended throughout New England, linking him to the wider colonial economy and the triangular trade network.

Estimate $400.00 - $500.00

