
Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 5277 - brit. colonies niger coast protectorate

Friday Jun 02, 2023 09:00 Europe/Zurich

Issued at Old Calabar 1893 (Dec): 'One / Shilling' in violet on Great Britain 2 d. grey-green & carmine, a used example with Gibbons Type 11 handstamped surcharge Type A, marginal from top of sheet tied to small piece by complete strike of "Old Calabar River" circular datestamp (April 11, 1895) in black. Extremely rare - just two used examples are recorded from the Trail Sheet (reference John Sacher page 37). A rarity of the issue Gi = £ 400+.rnProvenance: Collection Colonel J.S. Danson, RL, 10 March 1971, lot 1722.

Catalogue 301: The BESANÇON Collection (part II) – British West Africa


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